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In the Historic district of Pensacola, the Museum of Commerce is a brick warehouse that was design to have the inside was a reconstructed between 1880s to 1910s era streetscape that was once a part of the city of Pensacola back then, which it also includes the old businesses that was once in Pensacola. It holds many storefronts that was once in the Pensacola area before, which the stores included a toy store, music, hardware, and a few more. The museum showcases the different types of horse-drawn buggies that were often seen on the street in that specific time period.

Historic Pensacola's Museum of Commerce

Historic Pensacola's Museum of Commerce’s Gas Station and Trolley

Historic Pensacola's Museum of Commerce’s Buggies

Historic Pensacola's Museum of Commerce’s Buggies Infront of Streetscape

The building of the Museum of Commerce is a brick warehouse that is a turn-of-the-century inside of the Historic Pensacola Village. The Museum of the Commerce started as a reconstruction to showcase what downtown Pensacola’s Palafox Street was like in the 1880s to the 1910s. The different storefronts that are shown in the Museum of Commerce was once an actual real-life business on that street. The streetscape includes an A.M. Avery Hardware store, Tausand’s Leather and Harness Shop, Pfeiffer’s Toy Store, the Barber Shop, a Gas Station, the Music Shop, and the Print Shop. The Print Shop holds one of the most complete collections of antique presses and type in the Southeast. The Print Shop inside of the museum holds the history of the Pensacola’s newspaper.

Museum of Commerce’s streetscape holds varieties of vehicles that were there in the 1800s and the 1910s, which includes horse-drawn buggies and a trolley. There is a horse-drawn buggy collection on the streetscape inside the Museum of Commerce building. These buggies were most commonly used during the era, and they are on display along the 1880s to 1910s streetscape for visitors to view as they explore the museum. The horse-drawn buggies are kept in the same type of condition that they were in 1800s to 1910s on Palafox Street. The trolley appears to be stopped in place at a traffic light near the gas station, and one of the horse-drawn buggies also appears to be waiting at the traffic light to the right of the trolley.

The Museum of Commerce is handicapped accessible. The ticket is to get into the Museum of Commerce is called the New Unified Admission. The admission has a variety of different discounts for tickets. These discounts are AAA Discount, Military Discount, Senior Citizen Discount, and University of West Florida Student Discount. The New Unified Admission also includes access to the Pensacola Museum of Art, the Wentworth Museum, and the rest of the Historic Pensacola Village, and the ticket can last for 7 days. The New Unified Admission also includes the 1920s tour of the Lear/Rocheblave House and the Old Christ Church Tour. The prices for the New Unified Admission is variety from free, which is for children under 3, members, and SNAP/EBT Cardholders, to $10.

The Museum of Commerce rents out itself for different types of events. There are different types of events, which the most common ones are the banquet and the reception, can holds different amounts of people, but the capacity can range from 93 to 200 people, which depends on the type of event and room size. There are the different capacities, which are reception, theatre, banquet, and classroom. The Museum of Commerce requires a security deposit check, which is refundable, of $250 and liability insurance for the day of the event. Any events that are being held at the Museum of Commerce on Monday to Thursday costs $600 including tax for 5 hours. The events being held at the museum on Friday to Sunday costs $1600 with tax for 8 hours. Museum of Commerce’s events also have an off-season rate that goes through June to August. 

Museum of Commerce, Visit Pensacola. Accessed March 14th 2021.


The site is the Experience Pensacola’s official website and talks about the placement and recreation of Historic Pensacola’s Museum of Commerce. The site describes the Museum of Commerce as a turn-of-the-century brick warehouse that is a recreation of the 1890s era streetscape that was once part of Pensacola, which includes the storefronts that could have seen in that time period. In this streetscape scene, it has an interesting collection of horse-drawn buggies, which would have been seen in the 1890s era. The site states that the museum’s streetscape’s stores include a historic toy store as well as a leather, hardware, print, and music stores. The site continues to state that the print shop holds one of the most complete collections of antique presses and type in the Southeast. This site is important to my research is that it tells me what type of building the museum is and that the streetscape is inside the building. 


Museum of Commerce, Historic Pensacola. Accessed March 14th 2021.


The site is the official Historic Pensacola’s website, and it holds information about the Museum of Commerce. The site mentions that the museum is a self-guided, and that it is a reconstructed of the 1890s era streetscapes that includes the many historic shops, which includes toys, hardware, music, households, prints, and leather goods. It also mentions that the print shop exhibit holds one of most collection of antique presses and type that was found in the Southeast. The site states that the museum’s streetscape showcase the collection of horse buggies and antique local trolley car. The site shows the museum’s operational hours is located on. It continued to mentions the museum’s rental information, which includes the prices, security deposit, and liability insurance. This information on the site is important to my research is that it hold information about the museum’s schedule, rental information, and what is scene of the museum is based on.

Museums, University of West Florida. Accessed March 14th 2021.


The University of West Florida’s page for museums give information on the museums that are in Pensacola, which includes the Museum of Commerce. The site states that the Museum of Commerce is a reconstruction of the Palafox streetscape using the businesses that were once operated in Pensacola between the 1880 and 1910. The site mentions that the museum includes the carriages of Yesteryear and trolley for visitors to discover. The site gives the name of some of the shops in the museum, which includes A.M. Avery Hardware Store, Tausand’s Lather and Harness Shop, and Pfeiffer’s Toy Store. The site continues to mention that the museum includes a barber shop and a gas station as well as a 1900’s Press Room, which highlights Pensacola’s newspaper history. The site mentions that the museum provides backdrop for the different event in Historic Pensacola, which includes weddings, receptions, & dinners. It mentions that is self-guided museum and that it now houses the University of West Florida Sea3D Lab.


Historic Pensacola Museum of Commerce, Eventective. Accessed March 14th 2021.


The site gives information on the Museum of Commerce’s venue rental, which includes the maximum number of attendees, overall price range, and the deposit required. The site also mentions that the Museum of Commerce is a quaint recreation of downtown Pensacola’s streetscape in the 1900’s. The site mentions that the Museum of Commerce’s streetscapes stores were recreation of the storefronts that were once existed on Palafox Street over one hundred years. The site has the address of the Museum of Commerce as well as what types of amenities, features, what neighborhood it is in, and what type of venue it is. In the Event Spaces on the site, it gives information about the supported layouts and capacities, which are banquet and reception, as well as features that the Museum of Commerce can give guests. In this section, it also mentions the variety of shops that are there, but it mentions the streetscape is a reconstructed of the 1890’s.


Museum of Commerce, Visit Florida. Accessed March 14th 2021.

The site mentions that the Museum of Commerce is a reconstruction of the 1890s era streetscapes that is inside of a brick warehouse. The site continues on to mention that the streetscape has a historic toy store, leather, hardware, music, and print shops. The site goes on to mentions that the print shop contains one of the most complete collections of antique presses and type in the Southeast as well as having an interesting collection of horse-drawn buggies that is apart of the recreation of yesteryear’s commerce. The site includes the Museum of Commerce’s discounts, guest information, location, address, phone number, website, and hours of operation, which mentions that it closed on Mondays. The site states that the discounts that the Museum of Commerce has is AAA Discount, Military Discount, Senior Citizen Discount, and Student Discount. The site also mentions that the guest information for the Museum of Commerce is family friendly, and the site mentions that the Museum of Commerce is located in Downtown Pensacola.

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