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In order to facilitate GPS-based notifications, this tour combines several of the works that are near one another into a single Clio entry. The first work in this section of the sculpture park, which is located south of the southeast corner of the original Nelson-Atkins building is a work by Jacques Lipchitzentitled Peace on Earth. Just a few feet north is a sculpture by Pierre-Auguste Renoir entitled The Large Bather. Further to the north and located on the museum's exterior wall is Bas-Relief Woman by Gaston Lachaise. Just to the left of Bas-Relief Woman is Return of the Prodigal Son by Jacques Lipchitz. The final work in this section, which is located to the right of Bas Relief Woman, is an abstract sculpture designed by Joel Shapiro in 1991 and cast in bronze the following year. The artist chose to leave the work without a title, inviting patrons to find their own interpretation. For many, the sculpture appears to follow a human form and connote movement with two arms upraised and one leg bent two the side while the other serves as a base.

Peace on Earth by Jacques Lipchitz

Sky, Cloud, Plant, Tree

Peace on Earth by Jacques Lipchitz

Cloud, Sky, Window, Sculpture

The Large Bather by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Plant, Tree, Statue, Sculpture

Bas-Relief Woman by Gaston Lachaise.

Sculpture, Temple, Window, Art

Return of the Prodigal Son

Statue, Sculpture, Art, Artifact

Return of the Prodigal Son

Window, Sculpture, Lawn ornament, Plant

Untitled by Joel Shapiro, 1991

Plant, Wood, Tree, Art