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This regional museum and Smithsonian affiliate preserves and shares the history of the Civil War for soldiers and civilians in the upper Midwest, with exhibits about units from Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. These Midwestern states sent about 750,000 men to the Union army, and produced much of the food and material that sustained the Union war effort. The museum includes rotating exhibits, a research library, special events and lectures, as well as programs for children and adults. The highlight of the museum is "The Fiery Trial," a unique and popular permanent exhibit that blends Civil War artifacts with interactive exhibits and technology.

Here is a picture of the Civil War Museum.

Here is a picture of the Civil  War Museum.

The museum includes rotating exhibits, a memorial gallery, and an impressive permanent exhibit that tells the history of the Civil War in the upper Midwest.

The museum includes rotating exhibits, a memorial gallery, and an impressive permanent exhibit that tells the history of the Civil War in the upper Midwest.

Learn more about the Civil War in Wisconsin with this book from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press

Learn more about the Civil War in Wisconsin with this book from the Wisconsin Historical Society Press


Civil War Museum. N.p., 2015. Web. 4 Oct. 2015. .