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Naomi and her husband Otis Jones moved to Dade City, Florida in 1938 where they were described as loyal and active members of the Community. Together they decided to start construction in 1960 for the first nursing home in Dade City, Florida. The nursing home was one of the first to accept both white and Black residents even during the time of segregation. The Jones' nursing home was operated by Naomi and Otis James from the 1960s to the mid-1970s. In 2003 St. Leo University purchased and remodeled the nursing home to accommodate the University's growth and can be visited in downtown Dade City, Florida.

Historical Marker of Jones Nursing Home downtown of Dade City, Florida (Photo taken by Jim Fillman July 26, 2011)

Historical Marker of Jones Nursing Home downtown of Dade City, Florida (Photo taken by Jim Fillman July 26, 2011)

Before the idea of arranging construction for what we recognize now as the Jones Nursing Home, Naomi Jones, was engaged in the idea of helping others. Naomi and Otis were both active members of their community and both deacons/decondenses at St. Paul Missionary Church where they served. The Jones Nursing home was family owned and Naomi and Otis enjoyed providing a service to their community to help others regardless of race. Naomi Jones, mother of five children, and a hardworking woman in her community was extremely involved in positive notions to help others during her lifetime. 

The Jones' arranged construction for the Jones Nursing Home in 1960 in downtown Dade City, Florida. The nursing home was the only nursing home in the area at the time and was ran by two African Americans which was uncommon considering this was a time where African Americans weren't completely accepted in society. Jones Nursing home accepted both white and Black patients even during the time of segregation. The nursing home was bought and sold many times after the Jones passed away but eventually served a purpose to still be useful to St. Leo University. 

Eventually, St. Leo University, a nonprofit Roman Catholic School bought the building in 2003 and had it renovated as well. The school added square footage to the building to accommodate the number of students. It was important to keep the building as a reminder to the community of the contributions Naomi and Otis Jones provided. Also, it is a reminder that great African American pioneers achieved a positivity for the community that will be cherished by the people from Dade City, Florida.  

"Jones' Nursing Home." Jones' Nursing Home Historical Marker. June 16, 2016. Accessed March 30, 2018. 
"Jones' Nursing Home - Dade City - FL - US." Historical Marker Project. Accessed March 30, 2018. 
"Jones' Nursing Home - Dade City - FL - US." Historical Marker Project. Accessed March 30, 2018.