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Prior to the integration of schools in Hinton, Lincoln School was the school for African-American children. This school opened in 1926 and replaced an earlier frame school which stood on the same site. Starting in 1959, African American families had the option to send their children to the previously white-only high school as the start of an integration plan. Given concerns about the careers of Black teachers in this school and a desire to send their children to a school that was part of their community, integration was both a sign of progress and a loss of a community institution when this school closed in 1964.

Lincoln School in Hinton WV

Lincoln School in Hinton WV

AmeriCorps Clean-Up Event

AmeriCorps Clean-Up Event

View from across the street taken in 1959

View from across the street taken in 1959

The Lincoln School was built in 1926 by a Charleston, WV firm, Wysong & Bengston. It replaced an earlier frame school which stood on the same site. It was in operation from 1926 until 1964 and initially contained all grades, including high school. In 1959, African-American high school students chose what school they attended as the school systems were being integrated.

This 2-story red brick school house with protruding wood belt course primary cornice and raised basement, is designed in the Neo-Classical Revival vernacular in style with a flat roof and a centered entrance on the symmetrical facade and multi-light windows.

Hinton Historic District Master Plan Summer 2007

West Virginia Historic Property Inventory Form

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Candice Helms

Candice Helms

Candice Helms