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Trinity College Greek Life Tour
Item 6 of 11
The IVY Society was once known on campus as the nationally recognized sorority Tri-Delta. In 1995 when the College trustees wanted to make all Greek Life co-educational the sorority was forced to reconsider their Greek standing on campus. As a compromise, Tri-Delta and Alpha Delta Phi united in what is called the Fire Society.

IVY Society symbol

IVY Society symbol

IVY sisters at their Spring Formal

IVY sisters at their Spring Formal

162 Allen Place - The IVY Chapter house

162 Allen Place - The IVY Chapter house

IVY first started at Tri-Delta and was founded at Trinity in February of 1981. Tri-Delta was founded at BU in 1888 and took almost 100 years to establish a chapter at Trinity. The girls opened the Beta Omega Chapter and it was the 122nd active chapter. Before 1981 Tri-Delta was Kappa Alpha Phi and eventually the local sorority wanted to affiliate nationally.

They wanted to colonize as Tri-Delta because having a national affiliation helped them with scholarship funds, summer leadership school, and assistance from local Tri-Delta Alumnae. At the time Tri-Delta was the first soroity to obtain a house on campus. They were located on Vernon St right next to then what was the Religion/Philosophy building.

Since then, IVY has converted into a local sorority again, and grown over the years since 1995-1997. Ivy is, “dedicated to building lasting friendship, developing strong social and academic personalities, and most importantly, forming well-rounded women.” It is a very popular sorority on campus today, and will continue to uphold the legacy of past sororities as well as creating new opportunities of growth for them as a Greek organization.

Vaughn, Madison. A Recap of the Greek Life Organizations on Campus, Accessed December 16th 2019.

Corderman, Mary Ann. "National Representative Helps Tri-Delta Girls Organize." Trinity Tripod (Hartford ) March 10th 1981. , Announcements sec, 4-4.

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