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The Saguache Ranger Station was constructed in 1939 to serve as a ranger residence, office and garage. Assisted by the Civilian Conservation Corps, the United States Forest Service designed and built this Pueblo-style complex. Currently, the Ranger's residence and garage are still in use as constructed while the office has been converted to a bunkhouse to serve seasonal USFS employees. In 2009 HistoriCorps worked to restore the Saguache Ranger Station, and will be returning in 2018 to continue preservation work.

Saguache Ranger Residence

Saguache Ranger Residence

Historic photo of the Saguache Ranger Station, 1940

Historic photo of the Saguache Ranger Station, 1940
The Saguache Ranger Station was constructed in 1939 to serve as a ranger residence, office and garage. Assisted by the Civilian Conservation Corps, the United States Forest Service (USFS) designed and built this Pueblo-style complex. The complex is described as "the best preserved representative of a Pueblo-style complex, as well as one of the best preserved CCC-era Region 2 urban ranger stations in Colorado".

Currently, the Ranger's residence and garage are still in use as constructed while the office has been converted to a bunkhouse to serve seasonal USFS employees.

The bunkhouse's vigas, or log beams, are an interesting and iconic element of southwestern architecture. The popular style has been imitated in modern architecture as well, primarily for decorative purposes. The vigas we will work on support the bunkhouse structurally, and over time have deteriorated.

In 2018 HistoriCorps will be preserving the Saguache Ranger Residence vigas; help us repair them so this building can continue to serve the public! Visit for details on volunteering and supporting this restoration project. 

INVENTORY AND RESULTS OF EVALUATION Rio Grande National Forest. National Parks Services. . Accessed April 17, 2018.