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Create an Account

Anyone can use Clio without creating an account, but those who wish to create and edit entries must first register. Please provide the following information to create your account. Clio will always be free and will never share your information. All users agree to respect the intellectual property rights of others-be sure to properly cite you sources and only post material under copyright with permission from the owner.

Are you a student using Clio as part of a class assignment? Please click the “Classroom Login” button in the top right hand corner and find your class using the scroll-down menu rather than creating your own account. This will ensure that your instructor will see your entry.

Account Type
Standard Contributor

Regular Contributors are able to create and edit entries. Each submission is placed in draft mode and will be reviewed prior to publication.

College and University Instructor

These accounts are designed to help instructors create, edit, and publish entries with their students.

These accounts include editing privileges, so please use your official university email address to help us verify your credentials as an instructor at a college or university.

We verify all new classroom accounts and will contact you at the listed email address if we need additional information.

Institution Administrator

Institutional Accounts allow historical societies, museums, libraries, and other institutions to create, improve, and publish entries.

We verify all new institutional accounts and will contact you at the listed email address if we need additional information.

Clio in the Classroom

Are you part of a classroom that is using Clio? If so, then use the button below to access the student login page.

Historical Societies, Museums, and Libraries

Are you part of an institution that is using Clio? If so, then use the button below to access the institution login page.