Eagle Statue and Shell Bird Bath
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The eagle statue and shell bird bath were placed by Gari and Corinne Melchers at the head of the drive to greet visitors. The eagle is cast stone, and has a mark "London" discovered during conservation work. The stone plinth that supports the eagle was purchased by the Melchers from the ruins of the 18th-century mansion Mannsfield, about two miles south of Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock River. Mannsfield burned during the Civil War, and the salvaged stone was sold early in the 20th century. Additional Mannsfield stone was used on the property for path, walls, and a similar plinth that supports the Putto. The hydrangeas are an old variety called "Otaksa" and can be seen in the 1923 site plan. The plaque was placed on the plinth in 1966 when Belmont was designated a National Historic Landmark.
Eagle Statue and Shell Bird Bath

Eagle Statue

Eagle Statue

Cement Shell Bird Bath

1923 Site Plan

Young elm tree, eagle, and Lombardy poplars after 1923

Backstory and Context
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