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Constructed in 1900 on the renowned "Harlow Farm," the Harlow House is an architectural gem with roots deeply embedded in Troutdale's history. This historic residence was meticulously built by Fred E. Harlow, son of the town's founder, Captain John Harlow, who was originally a sea captain hailing from Maine. Captain Harlow transitioned from maritime life to become a Portland businessman and later established a country farm along the Sandy River.

The decision to name his property Troutdale was inspired by the fish ponds strategically built near the cliff, shaping the town's identity. The transformative year was 1882 when the railroad, traversing from Portland through the Columbia River Gorge, arrived. Captain Harlow played a pivotal role in convincing the authorities to establish a depot, resulting in the farm's name being adopted for the station.

Occupying the Harlow House until about 1915, Fred E. Harlow and his family left an enduring legacy. Subsequently, Lou Harlow, another son of Captain Harlow, and his wife Laura Bullock Harlow became the second occupants. Both Lou and Laura served as mayors of Troutdale, further weaving the Harlow name into the town's fabric.

In the 1940s, the house welcomed Lee and Mabel Evans as its final family residents. Their tenure concluded with Mabel's passing, leading to the pivotal moment in 1979 when the Troutdale Historical Society acquired the house. Since then, the Harlow House has been meticulously preserved as a museum, safeguarding the community's history.

Situated strategically on a knoll, the Harlow House remained unscathed during the 1948 flood, emphasizing its resilience. The curated collection within encompasses household items from both Harlow families, along with numerous contributions from generous local residents. Acknowledging its historical significance, the Harlow House proudly holds a place on the National Register of Historical Places. Beyond the house itself, the surrounding grounds are an integral part of the city park system, ensuring that Troutdale's rich heritage endures through time.






Fred E Harlow House Museum

Flower, Sky, Plant, Cloud

Harlow House Parlor

Brown, Picture frame, Furniture, Wood

Harlow House during 1948 Flood

Window, Building, Plant, Tree

Harlow Family and Friends, 1899

Dress, Hat, Tree, Adaptation

Experience Troutdale's history at the Harlow House, crafted in 1900 on the esteemed "Harlow Farm." Built by Fred E. Harlow, son of the town's founder, Captain John Harlow, the house symbolizes the shift from maritime life to a thriving country farm. Named Troutdale in 1882, influenced by fish ponds near the cliff, the town gained significance with the arrival of the railroad. Occupied by the Harlow family until 1915, the house later became a mayoral residence and, in the 1940s, welcomed its final family residents. Acquired by the Troutdale Historical Society in 1979, the Harlow House stands as a preserved museum, narrating the town's enduring history.

National Registry of Historic Places

Historic Name: Fred E Harlow House

Other Name: Harlow-Evans House

Year Nominated: 1984

House Occupants

Fred E and Minnie Harlow - Businessman

Lou and Laura Harlow - 2nd Troutdale Mayor (Lou), 7th Troutdale Mayor and 2nd Woman Mayer in Troutdale (Laura)

Lee and Mabel Evans - Piano Teacher (Mabel)

Troutdale Historical Society

National Register of Historic Places. Accessed March 3rd 2021.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Troutdale Historical Society

Troutdale Historical Society

Troutdale Historical Society

Troutdale Historical Society