Main Staircase
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Listen to a narration of this entry's description by Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site .
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Image 1, Main Staircase, 2020

Image 2, Main Staircase during Red Cross era, 1950's

Image 3, Stained Glass as you are walking up the stairs

Image 4, Light Switches in the house.

Backstory and Context
Author-Uploaded Audio
Listen to a narration of this entry's description by Lougheed House National & Provincial Historic Site .
Text-to-speech Audio
These are switches for Electric Lights (Image 4).
They are push-button type switches, which means pushing one button down pops the other one up.
Today, almost all home light switches are of the toggle variety, but when Lougheed House was built, the toggle switch was still 25 years away from being standardized.
Electric light would still have been considered new-fangled to the Lougheeds. Prior to electricity being available in homes, oil lamps and candles were the only ways to keep rooms lit.
Chris Stutz, Chris Stutz Custom Photos
Glenbow Archives PA-1599-480-57
Gingersnap Photography, 2019
Alberta Ballet