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The Wiester Building or The Bower Block, located at 21-23 N. Wenatchee Avenue, was constructed in 1906. H. L. Wiester managed his department store there until 1914-15. The Little-Wetsel meat market shared the building with Wiester and 1913-14. After Mr. Wiester closed his department store, records are incomplete. It is known that a representative of the Oregon City woolen mills was located there before J. D. Weinstein opened his Fashion Shop in 1923. In 1925, Buster Brown Shoes moved in a t 21 N. Wenatchee Avenue, and sold shoes until Don Huggins took over the shoe business. The Fashion Shop was in business continuously at 23 N. Wenatchee Avenue from the early 20s until the mid 80s.

Harry Wiester built this tan brick building in 1905 and opened a men's clothing shop. The structure has since been modernized, but remains one of the longest occupied businesses in downtown Wenatchee. Along with men's and later women's clothing it has housed a meat market, The Fashion Shop and Buster Brown shoe franchise. The shoe shop bacame Trooper's Shoe Store and then Huggins Shoe Shop; in 1990 the shoes went away and Classy Glass moved in. The building has also housed Hot Dogz Pet Salon and the Kitchen Sync. The original painted and misspelled "Weister" sign can be seen behind the building today.

Polk Directories. Wenatchee, WA. 1907-2006.