Underhill-Acker House
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Backstory and Context
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The Underhill-Acker House is a two and a half story tall, wood framed home that overlooks Croton Point and the Hudson River. The house was erected in 1873 and was purchased by the Underhill family in 1876.[1] The house’s only renovation was done by Dr. T.J. Acker who purchased the house in 1886. He and his wife, Frederica, added a wraparound verandah of neoclassical influence and a single story addition to the home that would serve as Acker’s medical office.[2] The interior of the house retains most of its features from 1873 including the floor plan, a basement kitchen with accompanying dumbwaiter system, and decorative embellishments from the era. Although the house was constructed after the American Civil War, the house’s T-shaped floor plan and exterior characteristics are reminiscent of antebellum era architecture.[3] The house today provides a clear and well preserved example of Italianate style architecture from the 19th century. Outside the house, there is a gold lettered sign that reads “T.J. Acker M.D.” and dates from Acker’s residency.
The Underhill family was a prominent family in the development of the Croton community. Robert Underhill owned flour mills and lucrative brickyards that were located along the banks of the Hudson River. In the early 19th century, Robert Underhill purchased the area that is now Croton Point Park. The area was inherited by his sons Dr. Richard and William Underhill. Richard developed the land of Croton Point into a winery which included underground wine cellars that still exist today. William continued the family brickyard industry which Robert would rejoin following the decline of the vineyard and winery in 1873.[4] The prosperity of the Underhill family businesses fostered the development of the small village of Croton as a large employer in the area, and the remnants of their legacy is still visible throughout the village and surrounding areas.
The second owner, Dr. Acker was a renowned doctor in the region. His accomplishments included essays on diphtheria—a serious bacterial infection that resulted in troubled breathing and could be fatal—and "Animal Products that Could be Used as Medicine" (1898). Dr. Acker was a Fellow of the New York State Medical Association, a permanent member of the American Medical Association, and a member of the Westchester County Medical Association.[5] The house was his place of residence during the period of his most significant contributions to the field of medicine.[6]
Today the house remains a private residence.
[1]Senator Terrance Murphy, “Senator Murphy announces listing of prominent physician's former home on my NY Register of Historical places”, New York State Senate, published June 19, 2017, accessed July 12, 2020. https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/terrence-murphy/senator-murphy-announces-listing-prominent-physicians-former.
[3]“William Krattinger agenda items/significance overviews New York State Board for Historic Preservation 23 March 2017”, The Underhill-Acker House, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, New York Parks, published March 23, 2017, accessed July 13, 2020. https://parks.ny.gov/newsroom/documents/167thHPStateReviewBoardMeetingNotes.pdf.
[4]Sarah Gibbs Underhill, “Tales From Croton Point”, A Brief History of Croton-on-Hudson: From the Perspective of the Great Hudson River Brick Industry at Croton Landing and Croton Point, accessed July 13, 2020. https://brickcollecting.com/croton.htm.
[5]Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, New York University: Its History, Influences, Equipment and Characteristics, Vol. II (Boston: University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1902), 84.
[6]“William Krattinger agenda items/significance overviews New York State Board for Historic Preservation 23 March 2017”, The Underhill-Acker House, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, New York Parks, published March 23, 2017, accessed July 13, 2020. https://parks.ny.gov/newsroom/documents/167thHPStateReviewBoardMeetingNotes.pdf.