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Completed in 1879, this historic courthouse is a fine example of Neo-Classical Revival architecture and a symbol of the city of Jefferson. The courthouse was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980. The old courthouse now serves as a welcome center for the city of Jefferson, which was named after President Thomas Jefferson in 1824. The Courthouse is also home to the Jackson County Historic Archives.

The new Jackson County Courthouse was built in 2004.

The new Jackson County Courthouse was built in 2004.

Historic Jackson County Courthouse located in downtown Jefferson, now serves as a welcome center and a community meeting place

Historic Jackson County Courthouse located in downtown Jefferson, now serves as a welcome center and a community meeting place

Jackson County's first courthouse was a modest structure with a wooden frame and a small jail attached to the side of the building. In 1817, a larger, two-story brick courthouse with a separate jailhouse replaced the original courthouse. In 1879, this third courthouse was built. The courthouse's clock tower was added in 1906, and interior renovations were completed in 1978. This courthouse was the oldest continuously operating courthouse in the United States until 2004, when the new and current courthouse was constructed north of Jefferson.

(1) "Jackson County Courthouse | Jefferson, Georgia." Official Website of the Georgia Department of Economic Development. N.d. Web, 18 Jan. 2015

(2) "Jackson County Courthouse." National Park Service: Thematic National Register Nomination - Georgia Courthouses Architectural Survey. February 29, 1980.