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"Children's Home Society of West Virginia advocates for children in a variety of ways, attempting to educate the people of West Virginia about the problems encountered by children and trying to find solutions to these problems." "The Society strives to improve children's lives with an emphasis on keeping a family unit together and working through problems as a team." Children's Home Society is the largest adoption agency in West Virginia and has been serving the states children for over 100 years. The agency is a non-profit organization that relies on donations, grants, and other funding.

Railroad magnate and former United States Senator, Henry Gassaway Davis

Railroad magnate and former United States Senator, Henry Gassaway Davis

Founder of the Children's Home Society of West Virginia, D.W. Comstock

Founder of the Children's Home Society of West Virginia, D.W. Comstock
Avoiding putting children in orphanages and poor homes was the main purpose for Children's Home Society.  There were so many children that needed immediate care and it was nearly impossible to care for them all. Children's Home Society received funding to provide a shelter from United States Senator and philanthropist Henry G. Davis in 1899.

 Governor Atkinson and D.W. Comstock got in contact with Davis about three months later to discuss having a temporary home for children in Charleston, West Virginia. Later that year Davis committed to purchasing the first building for $10,000. He also donated $1,500 for furniture, and $1,00 each year for support. The first property was purchased on Washington Street between Brooks street and Broads Street. The family that they purchased the property from had adopted their youngest daughter Lulu. Davis insisted that the deed to the house revert back to him if the property was ever used for anything but the intended purpose. The society would be co-owners of the property along with Mr. Davis. In 1960 Children's Home Society obtained the full title from Davis' heirs.

 In June of 1900, the home was dedicated and was named the Davis Child's Transitory Shelter. Transitory meant that the children would not live permanently at the shelter. The name was later shortened to Davis Child Shelter. In the first four years, the shelter served 100 children. Mr. Davis provided a monthly $100 donation for expenses up until his death. His will stated that the society would continue to receive that monthly check from his estate. The society continues to receive Mr. Davis' contribution to this day. The society received most of the children through the county courts but in some instances, parents dropped off children and would sometimes give up whole families. In 1902, over 200 families applied for adoption. Most of the adoptive families were farmers or miners.

The society grew over the years and in 1960 Children's Home Society had eight shelters in the country. Today they now have twelve shelters. Each shelter has adoptive services, foster care, and the building serves as an emergency shelter for children from ages 8-18.
Bumgardner, Stan. The Children's Home Society of West Virginia: Children: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Printed in the USA, Copyright 1996.