White Star (Star Mercantile)
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Backstory and Context
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The lot where the Star Mercantile is now located was an early frame house that is no longer standing. The house was owned by Michael Swisher until 1890, who passed it onto his daughter after his death, and then sold to Quintas McKeever. McKeever and Robert Follmer built a tannery on the back of the lot before selling it to Harrison R. Orndorff who built a dry goods store that he managed until 1908. He also built an addition onto the building that housed the Capon Valley Bank until 1949, and after that for a period of time, Joe’s Barber Shop. The White Star Bar & Grill moved into Orndorff’s old store in 1944, after their original location burnt down, and served as the local watering hole and pool hall for the townspeople. In 1990, the building was sold once again and became Star Mercantile, a restaurant and gift shop. The store’s walls are filled with early Wardensville photos, murals and town memorabilia.
Mason, Gary. Beyond the Great North Mountain: A History and Guide, December 15th 2016. Accessed August 1st 2020.
McKeever, Kenna. History of Wardensville, West Virginia, January 1st 1957. Accessed August 1st 2020.