27 Wilson ST, Albany, NY, 12207
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27 Wilson Street

Ten Broeck Mansion

Portrait of Thomas Worth Olcott, the owner of the Ten Broeck Mansion in the later half of the 19th Century

Portrait of Abraham Ten Broeck, original owner of the Ten Broeck Mansion

Portrait of Elizabeth Van Rensselaer, wife of Abraham Ten Broeck

Backstory and Context
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The Ten Broeck Triangle was initially listed on the National Historic Registry on January 25th, 1979, with a border increase added on September 29th, 1984. The Ten Broeck Triangle is characterized by 19th century townhouses and brownstones. One of the most significant and impressive buildings in the Ten Broeck Triangle is the Ten Broeck Mansion, a federalist era mansion built for Abraham Ten Broeck and his wife, Elizabeth Van Rennselaer. Wilson Street, located between Ten Broeck Street and Broadway, features many historic buildings from the 19th century. The areas in between Livingston Avenue and Clinton Avenue, particularly Wilson Street, are representative of buildings constructed in the 1840’s. A Majority of the historic buildings in the Ten Broeck Triangle were constructed from 1850-1870. “The houses of the l850's - l870's are primarily constructed of brick, often trimmed with brownstone, but several are faced entirely with brownstone.The mid-nineteenth century houses are generally Italianate in style, usually two to three stories high, with bracketed cornices” 27 Wilson Street was built in 1876, and was originally a heating plant. Now, it is a reisdential building.
During the 1850’s, the Ten Broeck Neighborhood was heavily developed. Over one-third of the district's one hundred houses were built. From about 1850 through the 1870’s, the neighborhood became known as "Millionaire's Row," as the homes of rich lumber and merchant families resided in the area. During the 1840s, the Olcott family purchased the Ten Broeck mansion, and renovated the mansion in the Greek-Revival style. Thomas Worth Olcott was a prominent banker in the city of Albany. The homes of the wealthy merchants and investors were located near the lumber yards that some of them owned and managed in and around the Ten Broeck Triangle. In the 1920's, many of the old Ten Broeck Triangle families who had been owner-occupants had relocated to the beginnings of subruban neighborhoods, developing around Albany.
27 Wilson Street is an unique building that was built in the 19th century, as a commercial heating plant. Built in 1876, towards the end of the era of Victorian architecture, the building is simple red-brick structure that does not display characteristics of Victorian architecture. Rather, it reflects the growing commercialization that Albany experienced following the end of the Civil War and the industrial boom in the United States.
Department of the Interior. National Park Service. (3/2/1934 - ) New York SP Arbor Hill Historic District--Ten Broeck Triangle. National Register of Historic Places Inventory - Nomination Form. File Unit: National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program Records: New York, 1964 - 2013 Series: National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Program Records, 2013 - 2017 Record Group 79: Records of the National Park Service, 1785 - 2006. National Archive Identifier 75316161. July 10th 1978.
Inc, Zillow. “27 Wilson St, Albany, NY 12207.” Zillow. https://www.zillow.com:443/homedetails/27-Wilson-St-Albany-NY-12207/29650380_zpid/.
“Ten Broeck Mansion History.” Accessed November 15, 2020. http://www.tenbroeckmansion.org/albany/history/.
Kim Parker