Olav Syvertsen, b. Sep 23 1905 d. Jun 8 1968 "Beloved Husband & Father (F-4-6-5)
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SYVERTSEN, Olav, b. Sep 23 1905 d. Jun 8 1968 "Beloved Husband & Father (F46-5) Olav and his wife, Ingrid emigrated from Norway to New York in the 1920s. In 1940, they were living in Brooklyn, NY with two children, George and Marie. In addition, they had a second son, Clifford in 1945 and a second daughter, Evelyn. They moved to Jacksonville Beach in 1951. In the 1956 city directory, Olav’s occupation was listed as captain at the Barlow Dredge AG& P company. He worked to dredge the St. John’s River and Intracoastal Waterway. He and his wife lived at 522 North 8th Avenue in Jacksonville Beach at that time. Ingrid, George, and Clifford are also buried in this cemetery. Syvertsen's obituary in the June 13, 1968 Beaches Leader is as follows, " Olav T. Syvertsen, 62, of 522 8th Ave. No., Jax Beach, died June 8 in a local hospital following a lengthy illness. Mr. Syvertsen was born in Norway and had lived here 17 years, coming from Brooklyn, N.Y. He was a member of St. Andrews By-the-Sea Lutheran Church of Jacksonville Beach. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ingrid Syvertsen; 2 daughters, Mrs. Marie Hall of Woodbridge, Va and Miss Evelyn Syvertsen of Miami, Fla; 2 sons, George Syverstsen in Saigon and Clifford Syvertsen of Jax Beach; a sister, Miss Helen Syvertsen of Norway and 4 grandchildren...."
Olav Syvertsen obituary

United States Census
Polk's Jacksonville Beaches City Directory 1956
"Justice for George Syversten," by Johnny Woodhouse, Beaches Leader, October 26, 2007
Beaches Leader, June 13, 1968
Beaches Leader, June 13, 1968