Volunteer Mural
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Volunteer Mural.

Volunteers of all ages came out to help complete the project.

Dailey, Megan. Charleston, WV Mural Tour, Echo Lit. July 16th 2020. Accessed January 7th 2021. http://www.echo-lit.com/blog/charleston-wv-mural-tour/.
Young, Maria. Community circles to make East End mural, Charleston Gazette-Mail. August 10th 2019. Accessed January 7th 2021. https://www.wvgazettemail.com/life/community-circles-to-make-east-end-mural/article_d521e24c-dcac-540d-a9cb-fd942ee152f9.html.
Office of Public Art, Charleston WV. Accessed January 7, 2021. https://gisweb.cityofcharleston.org/storymaps/arttour/#.
2019. Facebook, Office of Public Art - Charleston, WV. Accessed January 7, 2021. https://www.facebook.com/publicartcharlestonwv/photos/a.235502153889504/500966217343095.