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In 1875 Bernhard built his first organ for St. Peter's Church in Schleisingerville and thus started the B. SCHAEFER ORGAN COMPANY. Bernhard and his wife Mary had 15 children. His eldest son John joined him in the organ making business. Other family members also helped out at times in Bernhard's business pursuits which at times included the manufacture of cigars, sulfur matches and pearl buttons along with clock making. In 1913 the name of the primary business was changed to the B. SCHAEFER & SONS ORGAN COMPANY. John and his twin brothers Theodore and Joseph A. Schaefer who were born in 1887 also joined the business. In 1918 John died at the age of 52. Bernhard suffered a stroke in 1914 from which he never fully recovered. He passed away in 1920. After Bernhard's death the business was incorporated under the name of the Schaefer Organ Company. Joseph A. subsequently bought out Ted's interests around 1926 and Ted moved to Milwaukee. Alois and Oscar Schaefer, sons of John, also worked in the organ business in the 1920's, leaving during the depression years. Joseph A. Schaefer had experience as manager of the local Washington County Telephone Company and had an early Buick dealership before going into the organ business in 1914. His three sons all became active in management of the organ business. Joseph A. became a telegraph operator at the local Milwaukee Road depot during WWII and remained there until he retired in 1959. He continued as president and owner of the organ company until his death in 1965. At that time Joseph's three sons continued the operation of the business. 9.11 BS The largest and smallest pipes built by the Schaefer Organ COrnany, held by Joseph G. Schaefer. top, and Albert J. Schaefer, bottom. Albert and Joseph G. left the business shortly after their father's death. Bernard continued to run the Schaefer Organ Company until 1982 when the building was sold to Niphos Coatings and the corporation was disbanded, over 100 years after its founding.

Furniture, Window, Building, Lighting

Photograph, White, Black, Human

Dress, Musician, Musical instrument, Music

Musical instrument, Suit trousers, Piano, Musician

Style, Black-and-white, Window, Musical instrument

Style, Black-and-white, Couch, Engineering

Rectangle, Wood, Font, Signage

Musical instrument, Keyboard, Piano, Musical instrument accessory

Window, Black-and-white, Interior design, Style

Building, Standing, Black-and-white, Style

Building, Window, Black, Snow

Building, Sky, House, Slope

Building, Sky, Window, Snow

Sky, Building, Plant, Window

Sky, Cloud, Building, Window

Sky, Cloud, Building, Window

Building, Window, Pipe organ, Lighting

Window, Photograph, Tire, Wheel

Photograph, Musical instrument, White, Keyboard

Window, Building, Black-and-white, Style

Building, Plant, Slope, Wood

Building, Window, Black-and-white, Style

Sky, Building, Snow, Window

Window, Building, Tints and shades, Wood

Black-and-white, Machine, Wood, Monochrome photography

Sky, Snow, Window, Tree

Table, Black, Black-and-white, Desk

Pipe organ, White, Black, Musical instrument

Musical instrument, Pipe organ, Human body, Wood

Window, Coat, Standing, Suit

Building, Window, Tints and shades, Facade

Sky, Snow, Window, Tree

Musical instrument, Pipe organ, Human body, Wood

Pipe organ, White, Black, Musical instrument

Window, Coat, Standing, Suit

Table, Black, Black-and-white, Desk

Sky, Window, Plant, Building

Table, Furniture, Black, Wood