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The Walter Jones Historic Park was an estate purchased by a Union soldier, Major Walter Jones, after the Civil War that held an orange farm. The land was eventually acquired by an English entrepreneur who's family eventually sold to the city of Jacksonville. The city then changed the estate to a park and renovated the pre-existing structures while adding a 19th century style schoolhouse and saw mill.

Wheel, Plant, Tree, Building

Mandarin Museum and Historical Society. Accessed February 28th 2021.

-This website contains an overview of the Walter Jones Historic Park, it's history and events that they hold. The site also contains information about the availably of the park and the other sections of it.

Florida Portrait – Walter Jones Historical Park, The Florida Channel. Accessed February 28th 2021.

-This website contains a video with a brief overview of the history of the residence. Alongside the history of the place, the video goes over how the park has changed and grown to be a slice of life for the entire Mandarin/Duval area.