Fireman's Park Pavilion
Text-to-speech Audio
Village of Slinger Park & Playground Committee
Eli Gebhard, Chair., Dr. N. Algiers, R. Rueckl
Jerry Gundrum, Glen Dhein, Walter Meyer.
October 4, 1966
Letters written by Eli Gebhard and Attorney Ray
Baumann to the Chief State Planner, Mr. Robert D.
Espeseth, Madison, Wisconsin, were read to the Village
Board members by President John Giudice. Village of
Slinger is requesting their assistance in the planning
of the village park. Eli Gebhard and Pres. John Giudice
were in Madison on October 3, 1966, and Mr. Clyde
Smith, Area Supervisor, promised to give the matter
his personal attention. At his first opportunity he will
visit Slinger to look over parks and advise.
December 6, 1966
Mr. Eli Gebhard, Village Board Trustee, discussed with the
board members the progress the Village of Slinger Ad-
vancement Association has done thus far in the develop-
ment of Firemens Park. A topography map of the park,
made up by Ronald Rueckl, was shown to the board. A
meeting is to be held in the near future with the Village
Park Committee and the Village Board members to
discuss the development of said park. Money from the
Hattie Dhein estate is to be used for development of
the Village Park System. Bequest fund account shows
February 7, 1967
Mr. Eli Gebhard discussed the meetingthe Village Slinger
Park and Planning Committee held on January 17, 1967.
Discussed the development of the new village park
formerly known as Firemens Park and also to provide
a master plan to send or take to State of Wisc. Dept.
in Madison, Wisconsin, so matching funds could be ob-
tained from the State.
April 4, 1967
Eli Gebhard discussed with the board trip to Madison,
Wis. with Pres. John Giudice and Village Attorney Ray
Baumann in regards to the development of the Village
of Slinger Firemens Park. Made arrangements with
Mr. Jenson to apply for aid for the State to help pay
for said development. Clerk set up a meeting with Mr.
Nolte, Professional Landscaping Architect. Those attend-
ing that meeting were Mrs. Eli Gebhard, Pres. John
Giudice, Mr. Jerry Gundrum and the Clerk. Contract
prices were discussed for the layout of the park - $7.50
per hour with a maximum figure of $850.00 for the
complete layout job. $250.00 to be paid to Mr. Nolte as a retainer upon signing of the contract. Motion
was made by Arthur Duehning seconded by Paul Beistle,
that the Village enter into contract with Nolte & Son to do
the complete layout of said park. Motion carried.
April 4, 1967
Motion made by Dr. N. Algiers, seconded by Russell
Schauer that the Village enter application for State aid
on said park project. Motion carried.
May 2, 1967
Contract for the development of the Village Park by
Nolte & Sons, Inc. of Milwaukee, Wisc., was signed by
the village. Maximum cost to be $850.00.
May 2, 1967
Mr. Dale Nolte, of Nolte and Sons Landscape Architects,
discussed with the Village Board the preliminary plans
for the development of the village park and also the four
stages of development was explained. Mr. Nolte to attend
a meeting at the Village Hall on Tuesday, May 4, 1967,
at 10:00 A. M. Mr. Eric Jenson of the State of Wis-
consin Conservation Commission is also to be present.
Meeting to be held to discuss the proper procedure
with which to follow to obtain state aid for the develop-
ment of said park. Pres. John Giudice, Park Chairman
Eli Gebhard, Jerry Gundrum, Attorney Ray Baumann
and Village Clerk to attend meeting.
June 6, 1967
Motion was made by Eli Gebhard, seconded by Ralph
Wolf that the Village of Slinger pass the resolution for
obtaining aid for the development of the Village of Slinger
Wis. Firemens Park. Motion carried.
August 7, 1967
Mr. Eli Gebhard discussed with the board the progress
made concerning the new park in the Village of Slinger,
Wisconsin. All necessary information was sent to the
Southeast Planning Commission. A two year project
is planned in place of the four year plan formerly figured
on. Contributions from the state to be $15,000.00 on
a two year plan, rather than the $30,000.00 as originally
discussed on a four year plan.
August 30, 1967
Eli Gebhard then discussed letter received from the
Southeastern Region Planning Commission, granting
approval for $15,000.00 for Slinger Firemens Park deve-
lopment. Monies approved represents a 50% grant.
Contract with the state will still have to be handled to
make grant final.
August 30, 1967
Motion was made by Eli Gebhard seconded by Ralph
Wolf that the Village of Slinger adopt a local Law on Land
and Water Conservation outline of park plan for the
Village Firemens Park. Motion carried.
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Mr. Eli Gebhard discussed with the board members the
plans received from Nolte Associates, Architect. Plans
received were for the construction of the satilites and
main shelter at the new proposed Firemens Park.
Estimated cost for shelter is to be determinedby Norman
Doll, Village Building Inspector, and also private building
February 6, 1968
Eli Gebhard discussed with the board the trip to Madison,
Wisconsin, he and Pres. John Giudice made on January
25, 1968. Both signed the agreement for the allocation
allowed for the Firemens Park. $15,000.00 alloted on
a $30,000.00 project. Project #48-00209. Time of
completion June, 1970.
August 6, 1968
Slinger Advancement Association has donated nine picnic
tables to the Village of Slinger, to be used in the new
Firemens Park. One picnic table donated by Mr. Bricko,
builder of picnic tables.
November 5, 1968
Motion was made by Art Krenn, seconded by Walter
Meyer that the following persons be commended for the
civic mindedness for cleaning all brick needed to construct
the main and satilite shelter at the new Village Fire-
mens Park. Ray Kramer - 3 nights, Franklin Roecker -
4, Melvin Kuhaupt - 3, Joseph Gundrum - 1, Robert
Wolf - 4, Dale Otte - 3, Norman Kletti - 4, Clair
McIntee - 7, Eli Gebhard - 5, Donald Karius - 1,
George Kuhaupt - 1, Larry Linder - 1, Stanley Sprehn
- 1. The preceding were all members of the Slinger
Advancement Association. The following Jaycee members
also participated. John Haase - 2, Larry Kundinger -
2, Vern Bradow - 2, Thomas Henning - 2, James Wied-
meyer, Joe Mechenich, Bruce Peplinski, Fred Kubicek,
Dennis Gebhard, Mike Flanders, Paul Bierbrauer, James
Borgen and Mike Watson. The following boys also donated
their efforts: Daniel Wolf, David Penoske & Ivan Schall.
Eli Gebhard said total bricks cleaned were in excess
of 8,000.