Old Charles Town Historic District: Center Street, West Liberty Street, and Maple Avenue
Text-to-speech Audio
Section of Historic District map

116 Center Street

115 Center Street

Center Street and Higgs Blvd in the 1999 NRHP Registration Map

Center Street and Higgs Blvd in 2021

113 Center Street (possibly matches description of 121 Center Street)

117 Center Street (possibly matches description of 111 Center Street)

405 W Liberty Street

412 W Liberty Street

414 W Liberty Street

Stone wall--500 Block of West Liberty Street

504 W Liberty Street

604-606 W Liberty Street

609 W Liberty Street

701 W Liberty Street

702 W Liberty Street

705 W Liberty Street

709 W Liberty Street

715 W Liberty Street

710 W Liberty Street

723 W Liberty Street

725 W Liberty Street

100 Maple Avenue

115 Maple Avenue

118 Maple Avenue

126 Maple Avenue

129 Maple Avenue

130 Maple Avenue

Map of Old Charles Town Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
Center Street: Center Street has been changed significantly since the 1999 survey and National Register of Historic Places nomination. Several contributing structures have been replaced with modern structures and the addresses no longer match.
(no longer standing--appears to have been replaced with one or two duplexes constructed in 2007) 110 Center Street: “Two story dwelling with Colonial Revival architectural motifs. Three front bays with shutters, 6/6 double-hung window sash. Wide shed dormer. Greek Revival front portico. Stucco exterior , standing seam metal roof, block foundations, end gable chimneys. Covered porch to the right. Circa 1910. One contributing building."
(maybe 117 Center Street?) 111 Center Street: “One story Bungalow in the Craftsman style. Offset front entry. Four front bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Picket shutters. Stucco/aluminum, seamed metal roof. Block foundation. Outbuilding with board and batten siding, metal shed roof. NC. Circa 1920. One contributing building, one non-contributing building."
115 Center Street: “Single story L-wing Bungalow in the craftsman style. Stucco. Two front bays, large portico with squared posts. Block foundation. Standing seam metal roof, chimneys in end gables of ell extension. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
116 Center Street: “One story vernacular Ranch house with center hall and massed plan. Three bays. Left front picture window; right, triple casement window. Brick foundation. Asphalt roof. Circa 1940. One contributing building."
(maybe 113 Center Street?) 121 Center Street: “One story, Colonial Revival style. Formed block exterior, with lapped boards on gable ends. Block foundation, metal roof. Three bays, 3/1 double-hung window sash, center front entry. Small gabled portico with aluminum columns. Stone lintels. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
West Liberty Street
405 W. Liberty Street: "I-house with rear extensions. Five front bays, 6/6 double-hung sash. Center entry. Ornate portico with milled posts and trim. Side chimney, vinyl siding, metal flat seamed roof, stone foundation. Circa 1850. One contributing building."
412 W. Liberty Street: "Upright and Wing. Double-hung 6/6 and 1/1 sash. Three bays. Side shed roof dormer; standing seam metal roof, block and stone foundation. Aluminum siding. Greek detail on portico. Many later alterations and additions. Circa 1900. One contributing building."
414 W. Liberty Street: "Gable Front Town House. Two and one-half story. Vinyl siding over lapped boards, metal standing seam roof. Stone foundation. Third floor Palladian window, two bays 1/1 sash. Side hall. Rear extensions. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
(no longer standing) 416 W. Liberty Street: "Federal I-house. Stucco exterior over lapped siding/log. Old one-story addition. Located very near Evitt's Run, this structure is in the vicinity of the hostelry Ferdinando Fairfax built, and is of a similar age. Three front-bays, 6/6 windows, center-hall-plan. Two end gable chimneys. Standing seam metal roof. Simple porch posts supporting hipped roof portico. Stone foundation slightly below street level. Old outhouse. (C) Circa 1810. Two contributing buildings."
500 block of W. Liberty Street: "Stone wall. Coursed limestone wall with stone pointers and rubble fill between two laid courses. Massive stone gate posts and wrought iron gate, chains, and lock. Portion of old brick road visible through turf. Ante-bellum stone work, probably by slave masons. Circa 1840. One contributing object."
504 W. Liberty Street: "Massive Dutch Colonial Revival. Gambrel roof of standing seam metal with two bay gable front dormer. Four tapered, square porch pillars on brick pylons. Aluminum siding, block foundation. Three front bays 3/1 double-hung sash. Center hall. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
604-606 W. Liberty Street: "Duplex, Two story, aluminum siding, asphalt roof, stone foundation. Gothic motifs in portico detail and center front attic gable with half-moon window. Four front bays, 1/1 double-hung sash, three-quarter porch, flat gable ends with chimneys. Porch posts chamfered with milled arches and supports. Much evolved older structure. Circa 1890. One contributing building."
609 W. Liberty Street: "Stucco two story I-house with rear L extension and open porch on first level. Asphalt roof, stone foundation. Three bays, center hall, hipped portico over entry. Double-hung sash, 6/6. Turned porch pillars and milled gingerbread bracket trim. Old wooden shed with metal siding and board and batten siding, old nail heads visible, metal roof. (C) Circa 1880. Two contributing buildings."
701 W. Liberty Street: "Two story I-house with single story rear extension. Three bays. Trellis encloses offset front porch, with hipped roof and unadorned posts. Aluminum siding, asphalt roof, stone foundation. Apartment on second floor. Non-contributing garage. Much evolved homestead. Circa 1880. One contributing building, one non-contributing building."
702 W. Liberty Street: "Upright and Wing dwelling with inset half-width porch. Two story bay in front. Aluminum over wood exterior, standing seam metal roof, stone foundation. Paneled front door. Decorative roof brackets, turned porch pillars, brick footers supporting raised porch. Outbuilding. Sash is 1/1 double-hung, milled comer boards, gable end chimneys, intricate wrought iron fence with ornate posts and gate. Two and one half stories, two front bays. One outbuilding, Dutch lapped siding and open eave garage. Circa 1865. Two contributing buildings."
705 W. Liberty Street: "American Foursquare with three bays 3/1 double-hung sash, center hall, standing seam metal roof with snow birds, central chimney, and side entry. Hipped porch roof, stone foundation, stucco exterior. Bold stylized porch pillars, a later addition, evoke bungalow motifs. Circa 1880. One contributing building."
709 W. Liberty Street: "Two story I-house with rear extension. Three bays, center hall 1/1 double-hung sash. Lapped clapboard siding, comer boards and window trim. Standing seam metal roof with snow birds. Stone foundation. Full width front porch with Doric porch pillars and pilasters. Small wooden barn to the rear of the property. Unaltered, well maintained. Circa 1880. Two contributing buildings."
715 W. Liberty Street: "Side Hallway dwelling. Three bays, side entry, 2/2, 1/1 double-hung sash. Standing seam metal roof with snow birds, center chimney, stone foundation, stucco exterior. Circa 1880. One contributing building."
710 W. Liberty Street: "Cross gable Bungalow. Stucco exterior, asphalt shingle roof. Foundation obscured, probably block. Open eaves, three bays, craftsman motif in roof brackets.
Double-hung 1/1 sash. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
723 W. Liberty Street: "Cape Cod style. One and one-half story massed plan. Three front bays flat header trim, small gable portico over center entrance supported by fancy milled pillars. Spindle railing. Two gable roof dormers, 3/1 double-hung sash. Aluminum siding exterior over clapboard. Foundation obscured. Asphalt shingle roof. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
End of W. Liberty Street: "Hall and Parlor with many later extensions. Standing seam metal roof. Stone and block foundation. Three front bays. Circa 1900. One contributing building."
Maple Avenue
100 Maple Ave: "Bungalow style. Three front bays 1/1 double-hung sash, side entry. Wide gable front porch with assertive pillars. Standing seam metal roof, vinyl siding, block foundation, side bay above ground level supported by brick pillars. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
115 Maple Ave: "Bungalow. Stucco one and one-half story. Standing seam metal roof, rear flue. Two front bays 1/1 and 2/2 double-hung sash. Hipped roof front porch with Doric columns and folk railing. Neighbors report this is first house on the street. Block foundation. Circa 1910. One contributing building."
118 Maple Ave: "Bungalow. Clipped cross-gable roof. Stone and block foundation. Wooden clapboard siding, asphalt roof. Notable stone front porch with massive squared pillars on stone pylons, evidencing Craftsman motifs. Three front bays. Double hung sash 6/1 glazing. Open eaves with fancy millwork. Free standing garage on large residential lot. Circa 1920. Two contributing buildings."
126 Maple Ave: "Bungalow. One and one-half story massed plan with three front bays. Double-hung 2/2 sash. Aluminum siding, asphalt roof, block foundation, standing seam metal hipped porch roof supported by tapering squared pillars on brick pylons; echoing Prairie school themes. Nestled in large residential lot. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
129 Maple Ave: "Bungalow. One and one-half story with front gable end. Aluminum siding, asphalt roof. Foundation obscured. Four front bays, 3/1 double-hung sash. Gable portico over entry, massed plan with center chimney. Outbuilding. (NC) Circa 1930. One contributing building. One non-contributing (out) building."
130 Maple Ave: "Bungalow. One and one-half story front gable cottage. Dutch lapped siding, Standing seam metal roof. Inset front porch, with two squared supports. Stone foundation. Massed plan. Double hung sash 2/2 and 3/1. Three front bays. Older rear addition. Large residential lot. Circa 1910. One contributing building."
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.