Old Charles Town Historic District: North West Street and West North Street
Text-to-speech Audio
Section of Historic District Map

116-118 N West Street

200 N West Street

202 N West Street

204 N West Street

206 N West Street

208-210 N West Street

211 N West Street

217 N West Street

218 N West Street

201 W North Street

210 W North Street

313 W North Street

320 W North Street (has been renovated)

107 W North Street

111-113 W North Street

Asbury United Methodist Church

Map of Old Charles Town Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
North West Street
(no longer standing) 112 N. West Street: "Two story Side Hallway with front gabled dormer. Two front bays, replacement porch pillars, aluminum siding, standing seam metal roof and shed porch roof. Dormer light is decorative. Double-hung 2/2 sash. Decorative shutters. Circa 1865. One contributing building."
(no longer standing) 114 N. West Street: "Two story I-house with brick veneer on first story and aluminum above. Standing seam metal roof, 2/2 double-hung sash, awning over entry, decorative shutters. Circa 1865. One contributing building."
116-118 N. West Street: "Federal two story structure. Possibly two log building that are joined. Six bays, storefront and picture window. Other sash is 9/6 original double-hung. Victorian motif on one entry portico, entrance with sidelights. Otherwise, building asserts a federal era posture. Dry stone foundation, end gable chimneys, flanked with small attic windows. Standing seam metal roof with snow birds. A warren of rear extensions. Circa 1790. One contributing building."
200 N. West Street: "Greek Revival. Two story massed plan with hipped roof. Three front bays with fancy lintels and sills. 6/6 double-hung window sash. Side hall entry. Former transom. Clapboard exterior. Original working shutters. Wide front porch with modest supporting pillars. Standing seam metal roof, center chimney, dry stone foundation. Large outbuilding, much modified to accommodate storage and pets. Board and batten exterior, stone foundation, metal roof. Originally was small shotgun house facing Washington Street, with basement kitchen and fireplace. Circa 1870. Two contributing buildings."
202 N. West Street: "Two story I-house with end gable chimneys, two front bays, 6/6 double-hung sash, standing seam metal roof. Old shutter pintles remain. Stucco exterior, possibly over logs. Nearly full front porch with decorative wooden trim at roofline. Stone foundation. Rear extension. Circa 1840. One contributing building."
204 N. West Street: "Vernacular. Two story shed roof, vinyl exterior, metal seamed roof, stone foundation. Unusual placement of two front bays, hipped porch roof, with unadorned posts. Sash is 6/1 double-hung replacement. Circa 1880. One contributing building."
206 N. West Street: "Gable front house, two front bays, flat gable entry, vinyl siding, stone foundation, standing seam metal roof. Massed plan, one story rear extension. Circa 1890. One contributing building."
208-210 N. West Street: "Brick duplex, stone and block foundation, asphalt flat roof. Flat arches over windows. Two story. Ten bays, 1/1 double-hung sash. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
211 N. West Street: "Front gable end house. Vinyl siding, stone foundation, standing seam metal roof. Two front bays. 1/1 replacement sash, one story rear extension. Possible log construction. Circa 1820/1920. One contributing building."
217 N. West Street: "Two story flat side gable I-house with two end chimneys. Two bays, another possibly concealed beneath siding. Stone foundation, standing seam metal roof, 6/6 double-hung sash. Ornate 1840s front portico, otherwise house appears much older. Old outbuilding and birdhouse. Circa 1820. Two contributing building."
218 N. West Street: "Two story house with two side extensions, both old. Standing seam metal roof, gable end chimneys, four front bays, 1/1 replacement sash, stone foundation, possible log elements under siding. Turned porch pillars are later addition. Rear extension. Circa 1830. One contributing structure."
West North Street
201 W. North Street: "Board of Education Maintenance Building. Greek Revival motifs. Stone construction, asphalt roof, stone foundation. Six garage bays, two office doors two gabled roofs on entrance. Stone lintels with decorative keystone set in flat arch. Round metal gutters. Seven front bays. Circa 1940. One contributing building."
210 West North Street: "Two story I-house. Three bays, 6/6 double-hung glazing, end gable chimneys. German lapped siding, metal roof. Dry laid stone foundation. Small hipped front porch roof supported by modestly adorned porch posts and newer spindles. Federal style transom over front door is boarded over. Shed extensions in rear, two story extension in rear. Frail condition. Circa 1830. One contributing building."
313 W. North Street: "Upright and Wing house with two story porch in rear, with exterior stairs. End gable chimney with decorative corbeling at the base and atop. Asbestos shingles over old lapped siding. Some log construction possible. Standing seam metal roof, stone and brick foundation under stucco. Front portico. Some sash 6/6, and 2/2 double hung. Small attic windows flanking chimney. Circa. 1830-1850. One contributing building."
320 W. North Street: "Bungalow. Stucco exterior, metal roof, stone foundation. Triple bay front gable second floor dormer over entry. Roof extends over porch. One and one-half stories. Three front bays, center chimney, some 2/2 double-hung sash. Spindle railing on back porch. Large shady lot, vernacular stone work on front wall older than house. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
107 W. North Street: "Side Hallway residence. Stucco exterior, standing seam metal roof. Two bays 2/2 double- hung sash. Hipped porch roof, standing seam metal. Shed extension in rear. Brick foundation. Aluminum porch supports. Possibly old log construction. Out buildings and rabbit hutches. Cottage garden in front picket fence. Circa 1820. One contributing building."
111-113 W. North Street: "Duplex town house, two units. Gable front entries. Dry laid stone foundations, aluminum. siding, four bays, 1/1 sash. Many evolutions. Circa 1870. One contributing building."
Asbury United Methodist Church campus. "Three buildings. Church is new Classical Revival construction. Second building is eighteenth century Federal sandstone and brick building that has served as a creamery and school. Large rear extension. Two stories, three bays 6/6 double-hung sash. Circa 1780/1960. One contributing building, two non-contributing building."
A church was first established here in 1794 by Bishop Francis Asbury after the land was purchased from Charles Washington in 1791. The church has been rebuilt several times, in 1854, 1893, and the present church in 1971. The stone building at the front of the complex was Charles Town's first free school for white students starting in 1849. After the school moved to a new building in 1893 the stone building was used as a creamery for a period.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
“Walking Tour of Charles Washington’s Town: Walk in the Footsteps of History.” City of Charles Town and Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Accessed February 8, 2021. https://s3.amazonaws.com/discoveritallwv.com/JCHS_CTTourBrochure.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.