Old Charles Town Historic District: North Church Street, Hessey Street, East Liberty Street, East North Street, and North Seminary Street
Text-to-speech Audio
Section of Historic District map

213 N Church Street

215 N Church Street

217 N Church Street

309 Hessey Street

321 Hessey Street

9 Hessey Street

540 E Liberty Street

542 E Liberty Street

130 E North Street

303 E North Street (Webb-Blessing House)

319 E North Street

323 E North Street

325 E North Street

405 E North Street

407 E North Street

413 E North Street (renovated?)

415 E North Street

418 E North Street

419 E North Street

420 E North Street

426 E North Street

500 E North Street

508 E North Street

510 E North Street

512 E North Street

524 E North Street

214 N Seminary Street

Map of Old Charles Town Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
North Church Street
No Number, south of 215 N. Church Street (213 N Church Street): "Shotgun adaptation. Aluminum siding. Three bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Center entry. Shed porch with two unadorned posts. Lapped siding outbuilding with gable peak adornment (C). Circa 1880. Two contributing buildings."
215 N. Church Street: "Two story I-house. Lapped board exterior. Three bays, 2/2 double-hung window sash. Side hall, Gable end chimney with decorative corbeling. Standing seam metal roof, with federal-style eave returns. Snow birds. Decorative wooden lintels. Stone foundation, four turned porch pillars, two pilasters, spindle railing. Entablature with carving and roof brackets. Side addition. Shed outbuilding (NC). Circa 1870. One contributing building, one non-contributing building."
219 N. Church Street: "Two story Townhouse with L-wing in rear. Hipped 3/4 front porch roof. Two front bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Metal roof, stucco exterior, stone foundation. One old outbuilding, plank siding, standing seam roof (C). Circa 1890. Two contributing buildings."
Hessey Street
309 Hessey Place: "Two story I-house. Two front bays 1/1 double-hung window sash, front portico. Aluminum siding, asphalt roof. Foundation obscured but probably stone. One story rear extension. Circa 1870. One contributing building."
321 Hessey Place: "Bungalow. One story. Shed porch, two bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Center hall. Stucco exterior, standing seam metal roof, stone foundation. Circa 1910. One contributing building."
9 Hessey Place: "Two story I-house with shed porch and rear one-story extension. Possible clapboard over log. Asphalt roof. Two bays. Window trim of milled wood. 1/1 double-hung sash. Stone and brick foundation repaired with block. Circa 1870. One contributing building."
East Liberty Street
540 E. Liberty Street: "American Foursquare. Brick exterior. Two and one-half stories. Block and stucco foundation, as halt shin le roof. Three front bays, 3/1 double-hung sash. Dormer with gable roof and 6/1 double-hung sash. Squared paired porch posts and p1 asters, resting on brick pylons. One pair missing. Spindle railing. Brick steps. Side entry with leaded glass sidelights. Flat window arches. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
542 E. Liberty Street: "Brick Colonial Revival. Two front bays, 1/1 double-hung sash. Stone foundation. Standing seam metal roof. Curved gable portico over front side entrance. Circa 1930. One contributing building."
East North Street
100 Block E. North Street: "Warehouse. Stepped facade, block construction, two front bays. Metal roof, block and stone foundation. Circa 1910. One contributing structure."
303 E. North Street: "James Webb House. I-House. Stone brick, wood, coursed rubble exterior, standing seam metal roof, three bays. Large two story side extension with three bays. Building is boarded up. Stone foundation. Historically significant for its association with free African American property ownership before emancipation. Long associated with the stage house and hotel next door and on Mildred Street. Constructed 1829. One contributing building."
James Henry Webb constructed the stone portion of this house in 1829-1830 and it was purchased and lived in by Patty Webb, a free African-American. Samuel and Sara Young purchased the house in 1852 and then John Frederick Blessing bought the home in 1866. Blessing is known in Charles Town history for bringing food and other comforts to John Brown when Brown was incarcerated and on trial. Brown gave Blessing his Bible prior to his execution in gratitude for Blessing's kindness. Blessing connected the two structures together, using the old stone section as a kitchen. The Webb-Blessing House was acquired by the Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society in 2003.
319 E. North Street: "Side Hallway. Gable end chimney, three bays, double hung 1/1 replacement sash. Standing seam metal roof, vinyl siding. Rear extension. Foundation construction obscured, probably stone. Greek revival portico is a later addition. Circa 1890. One contributing building."
323 E. North Street: "Side Hallway with rear extensions. Possible log construction. Stone foundation. Brick rear extension. Brick, vinyl siding, standing seam metal roof. Full width front porch with spindle trim and decorative brackets. Three front bays, 1/1 double-hung sash, side hall entry. Shutters a later addition. Brick carriage house in the rear may be the original structure on this lot. It is a two-bay Side Hallway with gable end chimney. Circa 1830. Two contributing buildings."
325 E. North Street: "Federal dwelling of brick and Dutch lapped siding. Three front bays, two gable end chimneys. Sleeping porch on rear second story, with turned spindles. House features stone foundation. Standing seam metal roof. Fancy brick at the entablature. A boulder on the site is included in the foundation. Four porch pillars, and paneled porch bannister. Three outbuildings, one two-story brick I-house with two bays, 6/6 double-hung sash, that owner says was used as slave quarters, and two wooden dependencies, somewhat younger than houses, but all contributing. Circa 1840. Four contributing buildings."
407 ½ E. North Street: "Shotgun house. Three bays, replacement windows 6/6 double-hung. Center entrance. Vinyl siding, asphalt shingles. Old foundation obscured by siding. Circa 1880. One contributing building."
407 E. North Street (405?): "Two story I-house with two front bays. Stucco exterior, standing seam metal roof, stone foundation. Possibly log house. Double-hung sash, original 2/2. Hipped porch roof, standing seam metal, supported by unadorned posts. Panel bannister. One story rear extension. Old plank outbuilding. Circa 1830. Two contributing buildings."
413 E. North Street: "Gable End townhouse. Enclosed front porch, One bay, aluminum siding, standing seam metal roof, Gothic cross gable brace. Shed porch roof of standing seam metal. Stone foundation, low stucco over stone or block wall in front. Circa 1890. One contributing building."
East of 413 E. North Street (415?): "Upright and Wing residence. Four front bays, 6/6 double-hung windows, wide wooden trim. Aluminum siding exterior, standing seam metal roof, stone foundation. Below street level. Possible log construction. One outbuilding. Circa 1870. One contributing building One non-contributing building."
418 E. North Street: "Two story Colonial Revival house with rear extension. Exterior is aluminum siding over stucco. Foundation stucco over stone or brick, Shed porch supported by massive Prairie style tapered square posts on masonry pylons. Two bays visible, possibly others under siding. The owner explains structure was originally a-double pen log cabin. Somewhat compromised. Circa 1800. One contributing building."
419 E. North Street: "Side Hallway dwelling with aluminum siding, standing seam metal roof, shed porch roof supported by unadorned pillars. Two bays, 2/2 double-hung sash, side entry. Center chimney missing. Below street level, stone foundation, possibly log structure. Circa 1840. One contributing building."
420 E. North Street: "Side Hallway residence. Aluminum siding over log construction with a rubble foundation. Standing seam metal roof, gable end chimneys, enclosed front porch on new foundation. Two story addition in rear, on pillars. Owner explains that kitchen was originally in the basement of the home. Two front bays, 6/1 on second floor. Circa 1840. One contributing building."
426 E. North Street: "Two story I-house of stucco over log construction. Two bays, wide window trim, 1/1 double-hung sash. Hipped porch supported by fancy turned porch posts and pilasters. Foundation is obscured. Roof is asphalt shingle. Outbuilding. Circa 1820. One contributing building One non-contributing building."
500 E. North Street: "Two story I-house with side extension. Standing seam metal roof, stone foundation, vinyl siding. Probably a log structure. Three bays, 1/1 double-hung sash, center hall. Gable end chimney. Below street grade. Circa 1800. One contributing building."
508 E. North Street: "Two story I-house. Aluminum over log construction. Three bays, shed porch roof supported by four turned posts. Side extension, stone foundation. New metal roof. Circa 1800. One contributing building."
510 E. North Street: "Saddle Bag. Two story double house of log construction with aluminum siding. Standing seam metal roof. Two extant bays, One entry was closed over in the 1930s when the structure was converted to a single family residence. Old outhouse in rear. Circa 1790. Two contributing buildings."
512 E. North Street: "Single Pen log cabin with asphalt siding. Probably original German settler cabin and later slave dwelling. Later rear shed addition. Two front bays, both boarded over. One was entry, one was window. Old corrugated metal roof. Dimension are roughly sixteen by sixteen feet. Logs are squared with short axe strokes evident. Circa 1750. One contributing building."
524 E. North Street: "Two story I-house with portico. Two bay, 2/2 double-hung sash, center entry. Stucco exterior, probably over logs. Stone foundation, Standing seam metal roof, center chimney. Turned porch posts, enclosed back porch. Circa 1820. One contributing building."
Seminary Street
214 Seminary Street: "Side Hallway dwelling. Two front bays. Standing seam metal roof, end chimneys. Stone foundation. Vinyl siding, 6/1 and 6/6 double-hung sash. Front porch with tapering squared, Craftsman-style pillars on stucco supports that are a later, but still old, addition. L-wing in rear. Some log construction possible. Circa 1820. One contributing building."
"Jefferson County West Virginia African American Heritage Trail." Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society. Accessed February 10, 2021. http://www.jcBlackhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/JCBHT_2013_WebVersion.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
“Walking Tour of Charles Washington’s Town: Walk in the Footsteps of History.” City of Charles Town and Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Accessed February 8, 2021. https://s3.amazonaws.com/discoveritallwv.com/JCHS_CTTourBrochure.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 9, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 9, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 9, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 11, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.