Old Charles Town Historic District: West Academy Street, West Avis Street, and South Lawrence Street
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Section of Historic District map

309 W Academy Street

313 W Academy Street

317 W Academy Street

323 W Academy Street

308 W Avis Street

206 S Lawrence Street

212 S Lawrence Street

Star Lodge, S Lawrence Street

400 S Lawrence Street

410 S Lawrence Street

416 S Lawrence Street

Map of Old Charles Town Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing Structures:
West Academy Street
309 W. Academy Street: “Two story frame construction I-house, center hall. Asphalt shingle roof, aluminum siding, stone foundation. End gable chimneys, 1/1 double-hung window sash, three bays. Circa 1900. One contributing building.”
313 W. Academy Street: “Two story frame construction American Foursquare. Brick foundation, standing seam hipped metal roof, stucco exterior, center hall. Three bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Entrance sidelights, six Doric porch columns, two pilasters, a wraparound porch. Circa 1900. One contributing building.”
317 W. Academy Street: “Two story frame construction I-house, center hall, gable end chimney. Center front attic gable with fancy glazing. Three bays. Aluminum exterior, standing seam metal roof with snow birds, stone foundation, 2/1 and 1/1 double-hung window sash. Turned porch posts. Circa 1880. One contributing building.”
323 W. Academy Street: “Two story frame construction I-house. Aluminum siding, stone foundation, standing seam metal roof. Three bays, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Center chimney. Possibly a log structure. One outbuilding (NC). Circa 1870. One contributing building. One non-contributing (out) building.
West Avis Street
308 Avis Street: “One story three bay I-house with rear extension. Bungalow with porch having tapered squared front porch pillars supported by brick pylons. 1/1 double-hung window sash. Lapped siding, shingle roof. Circa 1920. One contributing building.
South Lawrence Street
206 S Lawrence Street: "Side Hallway dwelling. Vinyl siding, standing seam metal roof, two bays, side entry. Double hung 1/1 replacement window sash. Full width front porch. Foundation of stone and block repairs. Rear addition with shed roof. Circa 1900. One contributing building."
212 S Lawrence Street: "Bungalow. Cinder Block. One and one-half story, enclosed front porch, three front bays, 3/1 double-hung sash. Block foundation, asphalt roof. Front gable with enclosed porch. Non contributing woodshed in the rear. Circa 1920. One contributing building."
Star Lodge. S Lawrence Street: "Two story stone and brick Federal I-house. Stone foundation. Replacement metal roof. Constructed 1791-5 by Charles Washington as slave housing. Three ranked bays, with 1/1 double-hung replacement sash. Center hall. End gable chimneys. Pegged roof trusses. Steep, narrow stairwells. Fireplaces on each floor. Wooden window frames with extended lintels. This building marked the southern limit of the original town. Designated a Charles Town Landmark. The site also includes a monument to Martin Robinson Delaney, prominent Black American prior to the Civil War. Circa 1790. One contributing building."
This building is one of the oldest stone structures in Charles Town and has been an African-American Masonic and Odd Fellows Lodge for over a century. See separate entry for more historical information.
400 S. Lawrence Street: "Colonial Revival dwelling. Two story. Two bays, with 1/1 double-hung window sash. Stone foundation, metal roof. Full width one story front porch with shed roof. Circa 1900. One contributing building."
410 S. Lawrence Street: "Upright and Wing dwelling. Aluminum siding exterior, standing seam metal roof, stone foundation. Two bays, including a triple curved bay on first floor, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Shed porch roof over entry. Gable end facing street. Circa 1890. One contributing building."
416 S. Lawrence Street: "I-house. Three ranked replacement windows 2/2 and 3/3 double-hung window sash. Aluminum siding. Standing seam metal roof, stone foundation, shed roof over front porch. Possible log construction. One-story rear extension. Circa 1880. One contributing building."
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
“Walking Tour of Charles Washington’s Town: Walk in the Footsteps of History.” City of Charles Town and Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Accessed February 8, 2021. https://s3.amazonaws.com/discoveritallwv.com/JCHS_CTTourBrochure.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 10, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.