Old Charles Town Historic District: Augustine Ave and South Water Street
Text-to-speech Audio
Section of Historic District map

104 Augustine Ave

110 Augustine Ave

114 Augustine Ave

106 S Water Street

112 S Water Street

114 S Water Street

116 S Water Street

120 S Water Street

214 S Water Street

220 S Water Street

222 S Water Street

Map of Old Charles Town Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
Augustine Ave
104 Augustine Street: “Two and one half story I house two bay, 2/2 double-hung window sash. Rear extension. Stone foundation, stucco exterior, standing seam metal roof, picket shutters. Circa 1870. One contributing building."
110 Augustine Street: "Two and one-half story American Foursquare. Three bays, center front attic dormer. Hipped metal seamed roof with top clip. Entry sidelights. Squared porch pillars. Arched stone window lintels, 1/1 double-hung window sash. Circa 1900. One contributing building."
114 Augustine Street: “One story, three bay I-house, metal roof, end gable chimney. Vinyl siding. Stone and Black foundation. Double-hung 1/1 window sash. Four turned porch pillars. Circa 1840. One contributing building."
Tollgate House: This house serves as the toll house on the Charlestown-Berryville Pike in the 1800s. It was purchased from Jefferson County in 1903 by Sezzie Wainwright who paid $505 for the house. Sezzie Wainwright was the widow of Reverend Chester Wainwright, pastor of Wainwright Baptist Church (the oldest African American Baptist church in Jefferson County) and the mother of the first Black physician in Charles Town, Dr. Chester Wainwright.
South Water Street
106 Water Street: "Vernacular. Two homes connected. One with center hall, one with side hall. Old log construction with old clapboard siding over. Two story. Metal roofs. Six front bays, 6/1, 2/2 double-hung sash. Paneled door on one unit, with turned porch pillars and gingerbread. They resemble Side Hallway and I-House structures, but predate that era. Among the oldest structures in Charles Town. Circa 1750. One contributing building."
112 Water Street: "I-house. Old hand-sawn clapboard over log construction. Three bays. Stone foundation, standing seam metal roof. Original 6/6 double-hung sash. Center hall. Greek Revival portico with bracket supports. End gable chimney. Pristine. Owner reports there was an old outhouse located in rear of property. Circa 1760. One contributing building."
114 Water Street: "Federal house with wide front porch added later. Wooden siding, over log. Two front bays, 1/1 double-hung replacement sash. Fancy porch posts with gingerbread and spindle railing at top. Standing seam roofs. Center hall, end gable chimney. Enclosed side porch. Circa 1780. One contributing building."
116 Water Street: "Federal house. Painted brick house with three front bays, 6/6 double-hung sash, standing seam metal roof, end gable chimney, stone foundation. Constructed in two stages. Circa 1780. One contributing building."
120 Water Street: "Vernacular. Stucco over log. Two story dwelling with three front bays, 6/6 double-hung sash. Center hall. Standing seam metal roof, wooden window framing. Side extension, one story. Foundation of dry laid stone, and addition mortared stone. Original log cabin, predating formation of Charles Town. Approximately 16 feet square. Well or privy with artifacts present may date from General Braddock's encampment in 1755. Circa 1750. One contributing building."
214 Water Street: "Commercial storefront adapted to residential use. Two-story massed plan, vinyl-siding, with shed roof. Two front bays, side hall, window trim, 2/2 double-hung sash. Foundation obscured. One story rear extension. Circa 1800. One contributing building."
222 Water Street: "I-house. Two front bays, 1/1 double-hung sash, end gable flue, stucco exterior, shed portico, standing seam metal roof. Small concrete block outbuilding. (NC) Circa 1820. One contributing building, one non-contributing building."
North of 222 Water Street (220?): "Gable front Colonial Revival house with two front bays, 6/6 and 2/2 double-hung sash. Aluminum siding, metal seamed roof, foundation obscured. One story rear extension, Decorative shutters, side hall. Circa 1910. One contributing building."
Ballard, Linda Downing. "Southwest Charles Town: The Heart of the Black Business Community." Jefferson County Black History Preservation Society. Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.jcBlackhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/The-History-of-Charles-Town-Retold-The-Black-Experience-2018.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
“Walking Tour of Charles Washington’s Town: Walk in the Footsteps of History.” City of Charles Town and Jefferson County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Accessed February 8, 2021. https://s3.amazonaws.com/discoveritallwv.com/JCHS_CTTourBrochure.pdf.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 8, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 12, 2021.
“National Register of Historic Places Registration Form—Old Charles Town Historic District.” Accessed February 8, 2021. http://www.wvculture.org/shpo/nr/pdf/jefferson/00001308.pdf.