Dr. Kenneth F. Prefontaine (MD)
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Name: Dr. Kenneth F. Prefontaine (MD)
Birth Date: April 7th, 1901
Birth Place: Marinette, Wisconsin
Schools Attended: West Green Bay High School, Green
Bay, Wis., University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.,
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis., Loyola Univer-
sity, Chicago, Ill. - 1930 MD - Degree, Internship at
St. Joseph's, Milwaukee, Wis.
Since 1931 Residence and Medical Practice in Slinger,
Wis. (Physician & Surgeon)
Marriage Date: August 16th, 1956.
Name of Wife: Annemarie Prefontaine (nee Beikiefer-Rupp,
Nuernberg, West-Germany).
Residence: 203 Kettle Moraine Drive S., Slinger, Wis.
Organizations: American Medical Association and Wash-
ington County Medical Society.
Name of Children: Frederick and Julienne.