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Lehman and his family lived in Addison until 1856, at which time he sold his farm and moved to Schleisinger- ville, in the Town of Polk. Here he built a store, small at first, and then enlarging it to trade in cattle, grain, hides, butter, eggs, and other farm products. Mr. Rosen- heimer's store was the center of all the farmers trade. It grew too small for his business so he built a two story building in 1860, and in 1867 added on more. Besides the store, he had a grain elevator through which they handled 250,000 bushels of grain annually. They had large warehouses for storage of agricultural implements and goods. He also had a large stone stable for convenience of their country customers who came from far distances to sell their goods. It at one time contained bowling alleys, a candy factory, a toy factory and was operated successfully as a tavern by John P. Miller, George Weber, Joseph Sch- neider, Byam's, Janke's

Horse, Wheel, Sky, Building

Sky, Building, Window, House

Building, Sky, House, Tree

Building, Window, House, Rectangle

Building, Window, Wheel, Sky

Plant, Building, Sky, Tree

Tree, Black-and-white, Slope, Building

Car, Wheel, Building, Sky