Shepherdstown Historic District: 200 Block East German Street
Text-to-speech Audio
200 block on Historic District map

201 E German Street--Former Jefferson Security Bank

203 E German Street

205 E German Street

207 E German Street

211 E German Street

213 E German Street

101 N Princes Street

103 N Princess Street

107 N Princess Street with brick smokehouse and pump

206 E German Street

204 E German Street

202 E German Street

200 E German Street

101 S Princess Street

105 S Princess Street

107 S Princess Street

109 S Princess Street

Map of Shepherdstown Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
(37) 201 E German Street: “Former Jefferson Security Bank. Brick Renaissance Revival style bank building with recent additions. Converted to restaurant. 1906.” See separate entry
(38) 203 E German Street: “Two story brick Gothic Revival style building converted to residence from stable and carriage house in the 1920’s. CA 1860.”
(39) 205 E German Street: “Two story brick Greek Revival style house. CA 1830. Small Greek Revival style office structure. 2 contributing buildings.”
(40) 207 E German Street: “Two story brick house with common bond façade. Vernacular with Italianate influence. 1865. Stone mounting block. 1 contributing building, 1 contributing object.” See separate entry
(41) 211 E German Street: “Two story frame building covered with German siding CA 1870.”
(42) 213 E German Street: “Two story log structure covered with cove topped siding (early form of German siding). Former Poor House. CA 1790.” See separate entry
(52) 103 N Princess Street (101?): “‘Chapline-Shenton House.’ Two story brick house with Flemish bond façade, molded brick water table and applied wooden jack arches. 1793.”
(53) 105 N Princess Street (103?): “Two story log house covered with wooden weatherboarding. CA 1790.”
(54) 107 N Princess Street: “Two story log house covered with asbestos shingle siding. CA 1790. Brick smoke house with steeply pitched hipped roof. Early wooden town pump just south of house. 2 contributing buildings, 1 contributing object.”
(125) 208 E German Street: “‘Tennant House.’ Two story brick house with combined Greek Revival and Italianate influence. CA 1872. Also on lot: 1 story frame secondary dwelling, frame stable and sheds. An iron fence encloses the yard. 2 contributing buildings, 1 contributing structure (fence).” (206 E German Street)
(126) 206 E German Street: “‘Wynkoop’s Tavern,’ ‘The Selby House.’ Two story brick house with Flemish bond façade, molded brick water table and applied wooden jack arches with prominent keystones. 1792.” (204 E German Street)
(127) 202 E German Street: “‘Lemen House.’ Two story frame Queen Anne style house covered with German siding and decorative wooden shingles. CA 1895.”
(128) 200 E German Street: “Two story modest Queen Anne style house covered with German siding. CA 1900.”
(129) 101 S Princess Street: “‘Toliver’s Ice Cream Parlor.’ Two story brick building with slate covered mansard roof. Second Empire style.”
(130) 103? Princess Street: “Two story frame building used as a plumbing and tin shop in the early 20th century. CA 1900.” (105?)
(131) 105 S Princess Street: “Large wood frame garage. CA 1900.” (107?)
(132) 109 S Princess Street: “Two story log house covered with asbestos shingle siding. Central chimney, Germanic influence. CA 1810.”
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 3, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 4, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 5, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed March 31, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.