Shepherdstown Historic District: 200 Block West German Street
Text-to-speech Audio
200 Block on Historic District map

219 W German Street

215 W German Street

213 W German Street

211 W German Street

209 W German Street

203 W German Street

201 W German Street

Trinity Episcopal Church

210 W German Street

212 W German Street

220 W German Street

101 S Duke Street

Map of Shepherdstown Historic District

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Contributing structures:
(10) 219 W German Street: “Two story log house with original clapboards. Brick additions to rear and side. CA 1790. 1 contributing building. Modern garage apartment. 1 non contributing building.”
(11) 215 W German Street: “Two story brick house with Flemish bond façade and molded brick watertable. One story hip roofed “office” extension to west. Individually listed in National Register. CA 1790.” The Baker House--see separate entry.
(12) 213 W German Street: “Two story log house covered with German siding and brick. CA 1800. Smoke house. 2 contributing buildings.” 211-213 W German Street is the Michael Rickard House--see separate entry.
(13) 211 W German Street: “Brick two story house which may be of log construction with brick veneer. CA 1800. Frame stable. 2 contributing buildings.”
(14) 209 W German Street: “Two story brick L-shaped house with Flemish bond façade. CA 1825. Frame carriage house converted to garage. Wooden pump at curb on sidewalk in front of property. 2 contributing buildings, 1 contributing object.”
(15) 203 W German Street: “Frame Queen Anne style house. CA 1890. Frame stable. 2 contributing buildings.”
(16) 201 W German Street: “L-shaped two story brick house with Flemish bond façade. Federal style influence. CA 1810.”
(62) 104 N Church Street: "Frame house covered with asbestos shingle siding. CA 1920.”
(165) 104 S Church Street: “Two story brick house with common bond façade. CA 1890.”
(167) 200 W German Street: Trinity Episcopal Church: “Gothic Revival style church building of coursed limestone. 1859. One and a half story stone chapel, 1870. Frame Gothic Revival addition to church building, 1986. 2 contributing buildings.”
(168) 210 W German Street: “Two story brick house with stone façade. Italianate and neo-colonial influences. Built 1884, remodeled 1904. Modern frame garage. 1 contributing building; 1 non-contributing building.”
(169) 212 W German Street: “‘Great Western Hotel.’ Large log or timber frame building, covered with stucco in 1932. Late 18th century.”
(170) 218 W German Street: “Large brick bungalow with original detailing. 1935.” (220 W German Street)
(215) 101 S Duke Street: “Brick bungalow. CA 1935.”
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed February 26, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 1, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 1, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 1, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 1, 2021.
Google Maps. Accessed April 5, 2021.
"National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form: New Mecklenburg/Shepherdstown--Shepherdstown Historic District (boundary increase)." Accessed February 26, 2021.