Steak 'N Shake
Text-to-speech Audio
Steak 'N Shake drive in

Steak 'N Shake start up

Steak 'N Shake old kitchen service

Steak 'N Shake boat service

Steak 'N Shake main menu 1934

Steak and Shake right near

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Since the early 1930s this historic restaurant has stood as a marker ever since it's founding of a past long since remembered where tensions between races ran deep even if one wanted to go for a bite to eat. Steak 'N Shake was built as a restaurant where one could have a nice steak in a burger lunch while sitting down and enjoying a nice milkshake. As history goes the restaurant was built during a period of segregation and today stands as where all races of color go to eat free from discrimination.
The owner Gus Belt known as a show man designed the restaurant as a drive in so people could stop without getting out of their car to get their food and be on their way in no less than 20 minutes. His wife Edith would work in the kitchen preparing the food while Gus took care of the orders to come and refreshments. The franchise from then on exploded to becoming one of the most popular restaurants of the 1940s to the point that they even had drive thru for boats.
Today it continues to stand as a National Historic treasure amongst American culture. With it many restaurants have been built in it's very image and continue to do so as time goes by. With it's place on Forbes as rated the 11th best fast food franchise, the restaurant can be sure to see a bright future for itself to come.
Hunt, K. (2014, May 13). 10 things you didn't know about Steak 'n Shake. Retrieved, February 28, 2021, from
This site provided information of the famous American themed restaurant Steak ‘N Shake including details of the founder and how he started it. We are given concrete facts of when the restaurant was created, how it started and by whom, and how it grew from there. We see through here how the restaurant underwent change through the passage of time, how the staffing and service evolved, and how the franchise grew to be included in America’s favorite fast-food restaurants. Through this brief share of history, we discover just what made this restaurant an American favorite that went on to inspire other fast-food chains to come forth with their own signature meals.
I found this article through google using the search database of steak n shake history.
Vigliotti, J. (2020, December 10). What Die-Hard Fans Don't Even Know About Steak 'N Shake. Retrieved, February 28, 2021, from
This site provided hands on crucial information of the founding and startup of the famous restaurant Steak ‘N Shake including information regarding the owner and creator of the said restaurant that the public may have missed. Here we learn of the logo and how the owner ended up coming with the idea to call the restaurant what it is today. As the hamburger began to become a famous meal the owner wanted to use that to build his restaurant to greater heights hence forth steak and shake was born. With that restaurant underwent drastic changes including drive ins that went as far as to serving in boats, restaurant language being a common, and speed being essential in serving meals on time.
I found this article through google using the search database of steak n shake history.
Robert, C. (2000, July 16). The Steak n Shake Company - Company Profile, Information, Business Description, History, Background Information on The Steak n Shake Company. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from
This website provides a deep in depth look at the steak and shake restaurant of how and started and the direction it took off in following the passing's of it's two original creators. Here steak and shake started low eventually becoming something big as it evolved to over seventeen chained restaurants in each state with over 14,000 employees and a revenue of over 400 million annually. This restaurant would not have gotten anywhere without Gus and Edith belt. After Gus passed away from a heart attack, his wife took over the chain for fifteen years before selling her stock for seventeen million. After her came a new brand of leadership that transformed the restaurant chain into something that is globally acknowledged today for it's specialty of burgers, shakes, and fries.
I found this article when googling through the search engine, "Steak and Shake history".
Hernandez, C. (2020, August 14). Steak 'n Shake Relaunches Drive-in Service In Nod To History. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from
Steak and Shake provided by this website is revisiting history as the famous food chained restaurant returns back to drive thru services only as it had been previously during it's initial creation. Due to the pandemic open door restaurants are closing in exchange for safer environments for the customers. Steak and Shake being one of them are not closing their doors completely just their dine in area's. This offers guest to enjoy dinning out of the house while still protecting the families heath.
I found this article when googling through the search engine "Steak and Shake history".
Denham, R. (2019, June 12). 85 Years After Founding In Normal, Challenges Put Steak 'n Shake On The Brink. Retrieved March 28, 2021, from
This website discuses the challenges steak and shake went through in it's years following storms and disasters that shook the nation. These challenges weren't just dealt with by the owners of the restaurant but by managers and staff as well when times were rough and cuts needed to be made to save the restaurant. Even now the restaurant continues to face hardships as over one-hundred restaurant's close do to cuts which have devastated local owners into resigning. With this and lawsuits a norm Steak and Shake has weathered them all thanks to the managers and new owners that have raised it's once disastrously fall to have over four-hundred newly built restaurants to rise.
I found this article when googling through the search engine "When was Steak and Shake founded".