School Exhibit Room
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Students outside a one-room schoolhouse in Harrison County, ca. 1900-1917.
Objects from a one room schoolhouse.
A see-saw from a now demolished school.
A desk with many educational artifacts. The large poster on the wall depicts the Victory High School graduating class of 1948.
Charles W. Lynch’s diploma from West Virginia University. The diploma was awarded in 1874 and is written in Latin.
The History of Education in West Virginia. Revised Edition. Charleston, WV. Tribune Printing Company, 1907.
Personal interview with Michael Spatafore, museum president. Conducted by Iain MacKay. March 2nd, 2021.
Washington Irving H.S. 100 Years of Education, Harrison County Historical Society. Winter 2014. Accessed March 8th 2021.
Washburn, Bruce. “One Room School Union No. 7 on Old Post Farm, Good Hope, W. Va.” Ca. 1900-1917. West Virginia & Regional History Center. Accessed March 8th, 2021.
MacKay, Iain. 2021. Courtesy of author.
MacKay, Iain. 2021. Courtesy of author.
MacKay, Iain. 2021. Courtesy of author.
MacKay, Iain. 2021. Courtesy of author.