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Dating back to the late 1800's and early 1900's Schleisingerville was referred to as the "City of Seven Hills".

Yankee Hill prior to the water tower

Building, Sky, House, Tints and shades

Schleisingerville Plat map showing the railroad spur going to Yankee Hill in 1912

Map, Font, Parallel, Pattern

This name came about as a result of the Roman city of Romulus which was founded on April 21, 753 BC and is said to be built on seven hills. In a 1912 book written by Carl Quickert named the History of Washington County he refers to Schleisingerville as the Romulus of the "City of the Seven Hills,". 

Yankee Hill as called by locals for many years is also the site of the Slinger water tower. It is unknown how it received the Yankee Hill name. The hill was much larger before the turn of the century. In approximately 1900 the railroad would use the hill as a gravel pit removing tons of gravel for use in building the railroad. A track spur ran off the main line through what is now the high school to the hill. In 1910-1911 the first water tower would be built on the hill. Over the years the hill has seen some grading and changes to its topography.

Quickert, Carl. History of Washington County. Chicago, IL. S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1912.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Edward H. Wolf Schleisingerville to Slinger Historical Museum