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Point State Park is a site located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania that has a lot of history behind it dating back to 1753 during the time of George Washington. At this location, there is also monuments within the park that have been made to mark the history and remember the soldiers during the war of the mid 1700's.

This is a flyby view of the park from above.

Ariel View of Point park

One of the images taken from a hotel that can be stayed at in Pittsburgh PA.

Hotel Point park

This is a night view from above the park with everything lit up.

Night Time Point park

Point State Park was first used back in the 18th century. This area became a very important trading site between American Indians and European traders and was even used a military stronghold during the French and Indian War. It was first back in 1755 when Gen. Edward Braddock failed to capture the French Fort Duquesne, which was located at the Point, but eventually was able to capture it in 1758 and burned the fort to the ground. After finding these remains, John Forbes built a bigger and even stronger fort which is known today as Fort Pitt. This fort went on to survive the Rebellion of Ottawa Chief Pontiac during 1763 and was used as a Western Hub during the Revolutionary War, it was eventually decommissioned by the Army in 1792.

By the 19th century, the Point had become such a popular area for business that it had factories and railroad yards going through what is known as the Golden Triangle. By the mid 1900's, it had turned into a commercial overload and was followed by years of neglect to the area. It wasn't until the 200th anniversary of Fort Pitt where the leaders committed to redeveloping the land and bring it back to the once great area that it was.

Finally in 1975, Point State Park was declared a National Historic Landmark. It was born out of the Pittsburgh Renaissance, an urban renewal project in the 1950's that helped to rid of the industrial part of the park so that it could be restored. One of the most iconic spots is the Point Fountain which is shown to spray water up to 150 feet into the air. In addition to this, it is known to include the Great Lawn which currently has the French Fort Duquesne on it. There is also known to be 54,000 native plants around the park that add to the beauty of the area. Currently other parts of the park that are good to visit are The Fort Pitt Block House which is a small stronghold and is currently the only surviving structure of Fort Pitt. There is also The Portal Bridge which connects the city side of the park to the river side, allowing those to cross it to go underneath the eight-lane interstate.

Smith, Brady. Let's learn from the past: Point State Park, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. June 29th 2017. Accessed May 19th 2021.

Association, American Planning. Point State Park, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Accessed May 19th 2021.

, Wikipedia. Point State Park, Accessed May 19th 2021.

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