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At this crossroads, there was a school probably built in a grove of poplar trees. The school became known as Poplar Grove, and a small community grew up. There was a saw mill about ¼ mile down the street to the west. And, there may have been a general store at some point.

Poplar Grove in the 1879 Atlas

Rectangle, Font, Line, Parallel

Poplar Grove today

Sky, Plant, Road surface, Tree

Isaiah Souers (1840 – 1927) had this to say about the school in 1926 when he was interviewed by F. S. Bash:

“In our rambling chat I learned from Mr. Souers that the first school he attended in the Poplar Grove neighborhood was held in a cabin which stood on the Peter Keefer farm. After a building was put up at the cross roads at Poplar Grove proper, Lawrence Schoonover was one of Isaiah’s teachers. In referring to him Isaiah said: ‘Lawrence was a fine teacher but did not make a specialty of any one branch as did Henry Zent. Henry put a good deal of time on geography. The walls were nearly covered with maps. In addition to the regular day school, Henry taught a select school at night for instruction in geography. It was supported by private subscription. He made us sing the states, capitals and rivers. He’d point on the map and we’d sing ‘New York – Albany on the Hudson river; Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna,’ etc. Now I tell you when that whole school sang together it made music and we didn’t forget the lesson either. John G. Price also taught at Poplar Grove in the earliest days of that school which disappeared many years ago as did the Dan Christian saw-mill and tile mill.”

  1. Huntington County, Indiana History: Township by Township. 2004-2005. Jean Gernand.
  2. Combination Atlas Map of Huntington County, Indiana. 1879. Kingman Bros.
  3. “Isaiah Souers Tells of His Boyhood and Services as a Soldier in the Union Army.” 20 Mar 1926. Huntington Herald p1,6.
Image Sources(Click to expand)

1879 Atlas

author photo