Saddle Shop
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Saddle Shop
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Leather could be used to make saddles, harnesses, chaps, boots, and shoes. It was also used to repair these same goods. Our shop houses a variety of items from the 1800s.
This cabin was originally part of the mining town of Blewett and was moved to our Village in 1959 when Blewett was eliminated by a state highway.
As you tour the Village, notice how each cabin differs in construction. The logs are notched according to the tools available to the builder, the size and shape of the logs or tradition of the builder's background. "Saddle" notching was popular for round logs and when only an axe was available. The "Norwegian" notch or "Sheep's Head" notch is a style effective at maintaining slippage when the logs shrink from drying out. The "Dovetail" notch is used with squared off logs such as displayed at the Richardson Cabin.