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Cashmere Museum and Pioneer Village

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This is a contributing entry for Cashmere Museum and Pioneer Village and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

Although life in the West was primitive, a millinery shop was a specialty store which provided women's headwear for festive occasions. You could guess a woman's social status by what she wore on her head. A farmer's wife might wear a straw hat or cloth bonnet. A banker's wife would wear something more fancy decorated with a flower or feather. But all women enjoyed wearing an attractive "Sunday" best hat to boost their morale.

Do you notice a difference between this cabin and the others in the Village? This cabin does not have mud "chinking" between the logs. Each log has been filled with a small quarter round piece of wood. This type of finish does not require re-chinking every year, and it gives the cabin a different look while keeping the bugs and breezes out.