Pioneer Village
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Welcome to the Pioneer Village
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Welcome to our Pioneer Village. The cabins in this village are original to the area, with the exception of the Mission Church which is a replica. The cabins were donated by individuals or families shortly after the Carey Museum was built. The cabins have been given new identities as part of the Pioneer Village and are filled with furnishings original to the 1880's. Each cabin had to be taken apart, the logs numbered, and then reassembled after being moved to the museum grounds. Cashmere Explorer Post #88 and the Volunteer Fire Department were instrumental in getting the cabins moved and rebuilt.
Backstory and Context
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Life in America in 1900
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Life in America in 1900
Only 3% of American homes had electricity.
Only 1/3 of American homes had running water, and only half of those had flush toilets.
Most people lived within a mile of where they worked and depended on walking as transportation. One household in five owned a horse.
Life expectancy at birth was 47 years, and for every 100 babies born, 14 died in their first year.
The average adult had an 8th grade education and only 7% of students completed high school.
A typical man's on-the-job work week consisted of 60 hours of labor spread over 6 days. Pensions were rare.
Women made up 18% of the paid work force. They worked in fields like textiles, apparel, shoes, and canning - jobs which paid according to how much you produced.
Although automobiles moved twice as fast as horses, only 8,000 cars and 10 miles of paved roads existed in 1900. By 1906, 15 states had speed limits of 20 miles per hour.
New inventions included phonographs, light bulbs, typewriters, machine guns, telegraphs, the Eiffel tower, microphones, and aspirin.