Blacksmith Shop
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Blacksmith Shop
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A Blacksmith is a person who creates objects from wrought iron or steel using tools to hammer, bend, and cut heated metal. A Blacksmith is different from a whitesmith who works with cold soft metal such as tin and pewter. Blacksmiths produce objects such as tools, agricultural implements, cooking utensils, and weapons. They can also form horseshoes, but become a farrier when fitting those shoes. Local pioneer Blacksmith Fred Burgess donated the tools on display.
This structure was built in 1889 near Dryden by John Lanham and was first used as a tool shed. During the construction of the Great Northern Railroad in 1891, it was actually used as a Blacksmith shop. Later the building served as a chicken house, a store, and a garage. It was donated in 1960 by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hall.