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The Camden Archives & Museum explores the history of Camden, Kershaw County, and the north-central region of the state. The museum offers permanent and changing exhibits that feature a wide variety of items on display including Native American artifacts and china from the city's hotels. The archives is one of the best facilities to conduct genealogical research in the state.

House in the former Carnegie Library, which was built in 1915, the Camden Archives & Museum explores the history of Camden, Kershaw County, and the surrounding region.

Plant, Property, Window, Sky

The museum features five permanent exhibits: the Ross E. Beard Collection of firearms dating from the 14th century to today; a collection of items belonging to renowned racing horse trainer Frank Whiteley (1915-2008); Native American items, most of which come from along the Wateree River and Lynch Creek; the Boykin spaniel dog, which is South Carolina's state dog; and photographs and artifacts from houses that no longer exist. The archives contains items such as maps, microfilm, books, files, periodicals, general reference materials, and genealogical materials. The building itself is the former Carnegie library. It was built in 1915 and is an excellent example of Greek Revival architecture.

"Archives & Museum." City of Camden. Accessed June 11, 2021.

"Camden Archives & Museum." Chamber of Commerce. Accessed June 11, 2021.

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Camden Archives & Museum