Original Santa Fe Land Improvement Company Office
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This landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places has retained almost all its historical integrity. It remains the cornerstone of the commercial block designed by Lilian Rice in 1923 with architectural details establishing a distinctive and varied harmony. Today it is home to restaurant, office, and retail space.
Backstory and Context
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As its name alludes to, this building was created for the headquarters of the Rancho Santa Fe Land Improvement Company (SFLIC). When this building was designed, it was during the aftermath of a failed eucalyptus experiment from the previous owners, the Rancho Santa Fe Railway Company, which left much of the land in the area cleared for building. Because of the opportunity this cleared land offered, the SFLIC created a well-planned community design to be constructed for the area. This was heavily influenced by Lilian Rice who was the SFLIC’s supervising architect at the time.
Built on the corner of Paseo Delicias and Avenida de Acacias, the Original Santa Fe Land Improvement Company Office was designed in 1923 by Lilian Rice and it remains as the cornerstone of the commercial block she designed. Since its creation, it has been known as the “anchor for the business center.” The charm of the place remains in its stucco walls, original molded window arches, and green trim. During this time, the Rancho Santa Fe Covenant was formed and so was the RSF Association and the RSF Art Jury.
Today, it is a landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places and while it has maintained much of its historic originality, it currently houses, office, restaurant, and retail space.
National Registration of Historic Places, Multiple Property Documentation Form. Section F, page 1.
Archives at Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society.
Archives of Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society
Archives of Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society