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The inscription on the pipe states that it is a "Steam pipe from the Battleship Maine which was sunk in Havana Harbor, February 15, 1898. Erected in memory of Spanish-American War veterans.

Plant, Tree, Cemetery, Cloud

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Located in Section N of the Alliance City Cemetery, this steam pipe from the battleship USS Maine serves as a memorial to the veterans of the Spanish-American War of 1898.

The battleship USS Maine arrived in Havana, Cuba, in January 1898, to protect U.S. interests as Cuba fought for independence from Spain. That all changed on February 15, when a massive explosion caused it to sink in Havanna Harbor. How these explosions happened, whether from an external mine or an internal coal fire, is still debated today. Because of the explosion and sinking of the Maine, 266 Americans, or two-thirds of the crew, perished and went down with the ship. The sinking served as a catalyst for the eventual war between Spain and the United States.


President William McKinley declared war on Spain on April 11, 1898 with the battle cry, “Remember the Maine,” resounding throughout the country. The 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Company K, led by Elliott Gyger, represented Ohio in Cuba. The war lasted only four months and ended on August 12 with Cuban independence from Spain coming soon thereafter.


In 1910, the Cuban government pressured the United States to remove the wreckage of the USS Maine from Havana Harbor since the masts from the Maine were still visible above the water line and proved to be a navigational hazard. After recovery of the ship, the government began to give pieces of the wreck to organizations and towns across the country from Maine to California to be used as memorials to the disaster.

Although the exact date of this relic placement in Alliance City Cemetery is not known, we do know it was prior to February 1916, when a brief article about the Maine’s anniversary appeared in The Alliance Review. The article states that the relic was suitably mounted and placed by Crubaugh Camp No. 19 of the United Spanish War Veterans. It occupies a place in the section of the cemetery deeded to the camp as a burial place for veterans of the Spanish-American War.

"Maine Anniversary." The Alliance Review (Alliance, Ohio) February 15th 1916. p.1.