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Lola did not have time to meet Manni in the first round because she argued with her father at the bank. After the appointed time, Manni crumpled up the supermarket with a gun. In this supermarket, Lola and Manni robbed 100,000 marks. This supermarket in the movie is also a supermarket in reality named Edeka Market.

Wheel, Tire, Building, Car

The Edeka Group is the world's largest German supermarket company in 2017, holding a market share of 20.3%. It was founded in 1907 and today consists of several independent supermarket cooperatives. There are approximately 4,100 stores bearing the Edeka nameplate, ranging from small corner stores to hypermarkets. It was called EdK (E inkaufsgenossenschaft d er K olonialwarenhändler im Halleschen Torbezirk zu Berlin, "Purchasing Cooperative of Colonial Merchandise Retailers in the Hallesches Tor District of Berlin") in 1970. "In 1911, it changed its name to Edeka - a phonetic extension of the previous acronym. After the Second World War, the reconstruction of the store network was led by the new central office in Hamburg. 1972 saw the cooperative change its structure to form 12 regional companies, among which the Umbrella Company and Edekabank were transformed from cooperatives to public limited companies.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, November 3). Edeka. Wikipedia. Retrieved November 28, 2021, from