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The Rathskeller is located in the basement of the Hickey Dining Hall and was opened in October 20, 1967. It was a place where students could socialize, play games, and eat. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, meal services and dining facilities were greatly impacted. Due to the limited capacity in the dining hall as well as students who were concerned about social distancing, the Rathskeller closed their dine-in food services and instead opened for its to go option.

Rathskellar Entry

Fixture, Plant, Door, Brickwork

Dining Services Update

Font, Rectangle, Art, Circle

The To Go Option opening

Plant, Organism, Font, Art

   The Rathskeller opened its Meal Exchange TO-GO option in the Fall Semester (August 2020 specifically). It was only available for lunch and dinner Monday-Friday. The lunch hours were from 11am-1pm and the dinner hours were 5pm-7pm. Although it can be entered through the Hickey, students doing the to go option could no longer do so because it was being used for its to go meal services. Instead, students would have to enter and exit through the back of the Hickey, on the Shay-Lo side of the dining hall. This was because the Rathskellar was also used for overflow seating from the Hickey.

     Like the Hickey, the Rathskellar’s to go option used one swipe, and meal options changed daily. They often were the same as what the Homezone Grill from the Hickey offered. In addition, the Rathskeller offered plastic water bottles, juice, yogurt fruit, salad, prepackaged chips, cookies, pastries, and muffins for students to grab in addition to their main meal. Because of the Rathskeller to go option and prepackaged food nature, it was also used for students who were in quarantine. The students meals could easily be packed up and transported to wherever they were in quarantine. 

The Rathskeller: Meal Exchange TO-GO, Accessed December 1st 2021.

Kelley, Lorelei. Accessed December 1st 2021.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Lorelei's email

Lorelei's email