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This is a contributing entry for Washington Park and Abraham Lincoln's Connection to Quincy, Illinois Walking Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

What did Lincoln see in 1858 as he surveyed downtown Quincy from the platform for the sixth debate? Learn about the vibrant commercial district around Washington Square in the “Model City,” anchored by the elegant Quincy House hotel and a columnated Greek Revival courthouse. However, Quincy’s largest manufacturing establish­ments, riverfront steamboat activity, and new railroad station were built three blocks downhill on the shore of Quincy Bay.

Looking for Exhibits Wayside Exhibits related to Quincy in the Lincoln Era are located at 18 sites. The exhibits provide details about Lincoln, events, local people, and environment that contributed to Lincoln's Quincy story. 

What did Lincoln see in 1858 as he surveyed downtown Quincy from the platform for the sixth debate? Learn about the vibrant commercial district around Washington Square in the “Model City,” anchored by the elegant Quincy House hotel and a columnated Greek Revival courthouse. However, Quincy’s largest manufacturing establish­ments, riverfront steamboat activity, and new railroad station were built three blocks downhill on the shore of Quincy Bay.

Looking for Exhibits Wayside Exhibits related to Quincy in the Lincoln Era are located at 18 sites. The exhibits provide details about Lincoln, events, local people, and environment that contributed to Lincoln's Quincy story and its influence on the town.