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Here is another thing to note about the title of Cobbler. Sometimes this term gets confused with something else, a cobbler would make shoes in the nineteenth century, but sometimes the terms shoemaker and cobbler get mixed in together when they are entirely different terms altogether. Keep this in mind.

A Cobbler Shop In 1919. Even though Frederich's business would not be established until 1873. This image gives a great visual of what a cobbler did.

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Built and established in 1873, used as Friederich's cobbler shop and home, this two and one half story cream city brick structure with is oval brick arches over its windows and door openings. Also shows its sharp-cornered segmental arches that express the building's uniqueness in the town. If you can notice, there is an original hand pump that still stands near the building in its rear near Cedar Creek. Friederich, in his occupation, was a cobbler (sometimes this term gets confused with something else). A cobbler would make shoes in the nineteenth century, but sometimes the terms shoemaker and cobbler get mixed in together when they are entirely different terms altogether. Shoemakers at this time repaired the shoes while a cobbler made them. Friederich's cobbler business would thrive in Cedarburg for years to come. 

Zimmermann, H. Russell. The Heritage Guidebook: Landmarks And Historical Sites In Southeastern Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Heritage Banks, 1976. 197.

Zimmermann, H. Russell. The Heritage Guidebook: Landmarks And Historical Sites In Southeastern Wisconsin/Highlights Of Historic Cedarburg. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Heritage Banks, 1976.

A Walk Through Yesterday: In Cedarburg Wisconsin. 2005.

Wisconsin Historical Society, Unknown, Cobbler's Shop, 140327. Viewed online at

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