Lycoming Presbyterian Church Newberry
Text-to-speech Audio
The Lycoming Presbyterian Church of Newberry on 825 Arch Street, Williamsport, PA, is one of the oldest churches in Northern Pennsylvania. While an exact date isn't possible, evidence suggests around 1786 for when it was founded. Evidence indicates that Presbyterian missionary work was happening as early as 1746 with Missionary David Brainerd. Because of fires and generally needing to rebuild their church, they had five different stages of the church. This church has served as a pillar of the community for over 236 years. This congregation is as old as Williamsport itself.
Picture from 1942 of the Church
List of Pastors up to 1963
Interior view of
Exterior and Interior View of the Church
History of our Church: Lycoming Presbyterian Church
Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
This church was founded in 1786, three years after the American war of Independence was over. On October 3, 1792, there was a request that Reverend John Boyd was to serve, but he refused. Two years later, another call was sent out to Reverend Isaac Grier, who accepted to take on the missionary labors and was ordained and installed as pastor on April 9, 1794. Reverend Grier served until April of 1806 to transfer to the churches of Sunbury and Northumberland.
A small log cabin served as the first place of worship for the congregation. The date that this was built is unknown. In May of 1817, the cabin caught on fire and burned down. Until the next church was built, they had worship at a grove near the Lycoming creek. The stone church that went up in 1817 after the log cabin burned down was in use until 1850.
In 1850 they decided to dismantle the church and use some of it to rebuild the next church. This took four years to do. They used a brick schoolhouse west of the building site for the church. This church they built had a colonial style to it. Next, a chapel was attached to it on the northside in 1855. A manse was built in 1867 and was replaced in 1896 by a larger brick house.
In 1891 the church from 1854 was replaced by the current brick church that is standing. In 1893 a pipe organ was installed. In 1905 new carpet and an electric lighting system were installed. On April 27, 1924, a service was held to break ground on the new Christian Education Building. This new building had classrooms, offices, and a fellowship hall. Since 1925 the church has stayed the same; throughout its history, it has served as a place of worship and education even to this day.
“Church Anniversary Prompts Historic Reverie” Lycoming Historical Society, Williamsport Sun-Gazette, March 22, 1992.
“Historic Memorial Tree Felled by Strong Winds” Lycoming Historical Society. Williamsport-Gazette, April 18, 1965.
“Log Cabin Became a Church” Lycoming Historical Society, Williamsport-Gazette, December 4, 1993.
Lycoming Presbyterian Church. Lycoming Historical Society. History of Lycoming Presbyterian Church Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Typed by a member of the congregation on January 31, 1996.
Lycoming Presbyterian Church. Lycoming Historical Society. Historic Lycoming Presbyterian Church. Typed by a member of the church’s congregation.
Seltzer, E. Herbert. Lycoming Historical Society. Lycoming Presbyterian Church letter/transcript to the congregation.
Lycoming Historical Society's Archives
Lycoming Historical Society's Archives
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Lycoming Historical Society's Archives
Lycoming Historical Society's Archives