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Originally known as the Research Institute, this building was constructed for the University of Alabama in Huntsville's growing research activities, especially in aerospace and related disciplines. The establishment of a research program at UAH was a collaborative effort and included many prominent figures in Huntsville burgeoning aerospace industry such as Dr. Wernher von Braun. The building was dedicated in his name in 2000. Today, the research hall holds offices, laboratories, and other research spaces, and carries on the research that began decades ago.

Von Braun Research Hall

Von Braun Research Hall

View of the UAH Research Institute

View of the UAH Research Institute

View of a wing of the UAH Research Institute

View of a wing of the UAH Research Institute

Working with a Sperry Rand Univac in the UAH Computer Center at the Research Institute

Working with a Sperry Rand Univac in the UAH Computer Center at the Research Institute

Floor Plan of Central Office and Laboratory Building of the Research Institute

Floor Plan of Central Office and Laboratory Building of the Research Institute

Originally constructed at the height of space fever of the 1960s, the Von Braun Research Hall was originally known as the Research Institute. In 1961, John F. Kennedy pledged to reach the moon by the end of the decade, and in response, first director of Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Wernher von Braun, appealed to the state legislature for Alabama's need for more research complexes and educational centers. As a result, $3 million was raised from an Alabama bond issue, along with Madison County and Huntsville giving $400,000 for the construction of a new Institute and a portion of land to build it on adjacent to part of the Research Park. The first director of the institute was another prominent aerospace engineer, Dr. Rudolf Hermann.

The University's commitment to offering aerospace degrees in Huntsville secured four contracts for the Research Institute for a total of $114,687 by April 20th, 1963 and the building was completed in 1964. The institute was also operated via funding secured by Marshall Space Flight Center and NASA. Some critics from NASA believed that "the University of Alabama will walk off with our money"[1] and some university critics claiming that NASA wanted to run the university. Despite this contention, the Research Institute succeeded in receiving NASA funding under the Sustaining University Program, one of ninety total institutions.

Dr. Wernher von Braun was integral to the founding of the university, securing funding from both NASA and the State of Alabama for construction. The name of the building was changed in May 2000 to honor him. UAH staff, particularly Dr. Frank Franz, university president at the time, admired von Braun's work stating the following when the dedication was announced:

Dr. von Braun drastically changed our perception of the universe and the world in which we live. The scientific accomplishments of Dr. von Braun in the 1950s and 1960s remain un-equaled today, and the world continues to reap rewards and benefits from his visions.[2]

After the dedication, the Research Institute continued to fulfill it's purpose except under a new name. To this day, the Von Braun Research Hall houses laboratories, offices, and other research space for students and faculty of the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Boucher, Anne & Shown, Elizabeth, “The Research Institute and the Development of Sponsored Research at UAH,” Box 3, Folder 28, Rudolf Hermann Collection, The UAH Archives and Special Collections

Ferguson, James E. The University of Alabama in Huntsville - A History. The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1975.

[2] Roberts, Jennifer. "UAH/ADTRAN hold graduation for students of Technical Development." Exponent (Huntsville) May 18th 2000. 31 ed, 28 sec, 1-5.

[1] “UAH Research Institute,” Box 3, Folder 44, Rudolf Hermann Collection, The UAH Archives and Special Collections

The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Von Braun Research Hall, UAH Events. Accessed June 2nd 2022.