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The St. Mary’s Espiscopal Church is located in Elverson Pennsylvania. This church currently and historically has been open to the public. Constantly taking in newcomers and members as time goes on to spread a message about not only religion but also community. This church works in order to provide a load of different services to its community members and the surrounding people. This historical site is significant due to all the assistance it gives the people of Elverson. There is a graveyard located on this land along with the church. 

St. Mary Episcopal Church Front Entrance Plaque. This Plaque is home to this church and includes minor detail about the church.

St. Mary Episcopal Church Front Entrance Plaque. This Plaque is home to this church and includes minor detail about the church.

St. Mary Episcopal Church Plaque 2. This is the second plaque located in front of the church. This plaque contains more details about the episcopal church. These details include the founders and the years founded along with the purpose.

St. Mary Episcopal Church Plaque 2. This is the second plaque located in front of the church. This plaque contains more details about the episcopal church. These details include the founders and the years founded along with the purpose.

St. Mary Episcopal Church entrance. This image shows the front entrance of this church. This 1 story building measuring at 50 feet wide and 70 feet deep.

St. Mary Episcopal Church entrance. This image shows the front entrance of this church. This 1 story building measuring at 50 feet wide and 70 feet deep.

St. Mary Episcopal Church Cemetery. This is the "parish" cemetry. The burials date back to 1806.

Plant, Property, Window, Cemetery

The St. Mary’s Espiscopal Church in Elverson Pennsylvania was founded about 200 years ago (1805) by Reverend Levi Bull, an Englishman. He did not grow up on Episcopal seminaries but instead created this piece of his own life when founding St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Rev. Levi Bull studied content areas such as theology (religious faith), biblical passages, and churches along with their history. These studies are what made him want to found and open a Episcopal church. Not only did Rev. Levi Bull open up St. Mary’s but he also founded and began seven other local episcopal churches. When creating St.Mary’s the idea was to produce a branch off of a Christian community who instead have the slight difference in the believing of not only Jesus but also the idea of three entities, the father, the son, and the holy spirit. The St. Mary’s Episcopal Church is almost seen as a Catholic-Prtotestant hybrid. 

Long before Rev. Levi Bull founded St. Mary’s Espiscopal Church, Pennsylvania was home to many Episcopalians. This is because many of the Angelicans that were located in this area became Episcopalians after the American Revolution. This change being led by Reverend William White, the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania was organized in 1784. The Episcopal churches in Pennsylvania themselves emerged from a compromise settled by both England and America. This compromise was able to incorporate some of Whites and his successors ideas into a church that was meant to be a balance between shared and individual rituals and also organized leadership for the people of the church. 

In history, African Amercicans used Episcopal churches for worship. In 1794, upon Absalom Jones taking on Whites role as a leader, Jones made sure the African American community was acknowledged and shown importance. This was until the twentieth century when African Americans created Black congregations separate from the all white/integrated congregations in order to practice Episcopal worship. Later, DeWitt became a bishop to the Episcopal church. In this time DeWitt fought actively to get the church to acknowledge racial discrimination and also fought for desegregation of services. This was during the civil rights movement. Today, these churches allow for all people to be within them without discrimination. 

Culturally, having Episcopal churches in Pennsylvania has opened many religious experiences for many individuals. It has given people the opportunity to explore religious beliefs while skating on the line of Christianity, Protestant, and Catholic. Before this church, In this area there were not others like this for a very long time. The Episcopal church has given members of its community a new way to explore their religious beliefs and has continued on for years and for years to come. If you are looking for a place to explore deeper into the Episcopal churches, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Elverson is a good historical site. It may provide clarity in religious content for some while for others just being a nice way to learn about the background to the surrounding areas and beliefs of the people around the area, especially if you are from this area. 

"Historic St. Mary's Episcopal Church." Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia) November 15th 2007. .

St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Accessed July 4th 2022.

Accessed July 19th 2022.